After several years of organizing, conducting workshops with diverse groups of young HIP HOP REVOLUTION into the air in 2005 "Universe of Styles an event once a month that showed the most recognized artists in each of the elements of this urban culture that marked the birth what can called "Hip-Hop Movement Guatemala." And yielded information on the work and specific proposals for each artist.
This allowed in 2006 will be held on 1st National Festival HIP-HOP the constitution square (center of town) and together the most representative artists of the national scene and a group of graffiti artists from Nicaragua, calling for nearly a thousand people in various activities.
for 2007 was convened the II National Hip Hop Festival which was consolidated as one of the largest and most important events of urban cultures in Guatemala City, leaving one of the most important achievement to make visible this alternative way of life expression and coexistence among youth; it allows to see the extent of this growing youth movement begins to develop on strong bases and a presence not only in the city but inside the country, organized groups and committed artists who found this event an opportunity to design their work.
2008 Festival To Acquire American title:
The arrival of hip-hop to Central America occurs in the mid-80 `s and is given by means of films and music videos showing the elements of this culture, and the return of immigrants who had grown in the United States and therefore had been close to this culture had been adopted and replicated in more young people in our countries. The novel rhythms, dance steps and paintings on the walls showed that this culture were quickly embraced by youth, in constant search for forms of expression and need to feel belonging to something, and they could communicate with others and other young people anywhere in the world.
In the first half of the 90 `s was a real boom of hip-hop, especially in urban neighborhoods, with failed attempts to enhance the culture, especially from the artists themselves, they spread started to decline at not find support anywhere. Neither the state nor society, nor the organizations working with youth in these demonstrations were the great power of transformation and Central American youth expression found in them. Far from it, stigmatization was created a hip-hoppers and youth in general because the power of gangs grew as the levels of violence throughout the region. Today
experienced a revival of the youth movement in Central American countries, with artists committed to the reality of their communities, that favor the organization, education and artistic expression as a means to promote social participation and youth and also are aware of this phenomenon as juvenile may have been others in history, be used to attract this sector of the population towards sustainable consumption and fashion.
So there is a need to expose to the light of this growing movement of American youth expression; Exchange, to learn from other experiences, and build a structure of groups in our countries with networking, joint agendas and effective media to support the expansion of this social movement, political, cultural and artistic. Hip Hop Revolution