not abundant in Japanese mythology episodes of the stars. One of them, which indeed is the version of a myth from China, revolves around the creation of the Milky Way and is commemorated in the Tanabata festival, held every year on 7 July.
This romantic episode has featured a strong pastor who falls for a beautiful spinner, which was actually a goddess. In the Japanese version, the girl's father was the god of heaven, who tasted both his flirtation that ended up taking them to their heavenly realms. But his most beloved pastor and then followed the girl's father created the great blue river of the Milky Way to keep out the lover of his daughter. The love that was felt however that in the end the god to give in and allow the two lovers could cross the river to girders of a bridge formed by magpies and meet once a year, notably the seventh day of seventh month , to thereby move together one night.
The young spinner called Tanabata and associate it with him that the Japanese constellation known to Westerners such as name and Vega in the constellation Lyra. On the night of Tanabata, women and men who celebrate this holiday hung strips of paper and cotton from the branches of the trees of the receipts had been written previously poems about lovers heaven or requests loving nature. Also, pouring water into a shallow dish and watched the reflection of the stars in the water, then drop a few leaves in the container kaji and interpret from the movements of water and leaves the fate awaited them in love.