Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do Mayonnaise Packets Expire

How Internet has managed to survive the music industry?

We are not from the time of the little wine, but if born in the eighties, where the music was on tape, and even recorded them in the same teams players of the era, whether musical equipment as well as in the famous "Personal Stereo".
saw the birth of the CD, the deal at the time of maximum splendor and his death in the music industry with the advent of mp3 players that followed with mp4 and who knows what else comes.
When the CD arrived, and the boom of artists from around the world, to name some of our time like Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, Stereo 3, Glup, Canadian Idol, among others, the music industry began to decline due to changes technology which I believe in Piracy's famous market. It was at that moment when they began to disappear some artists, both emerging and consolidated, but also with hacking began to promote live performances of those who fought to stay in the industry.
they grow and evolve the technology we became addicted to this and this is how we and saw the death of the famous CD thanks to the music formats that are downloaded through the web and why not say thanks to MP3 and piracy that took advantage of this. Today
up on cell phones have all sorts of music, and this is custom ringtone to a Realtone fashionable. This and more the same record companies realized a new business was born, music downloads via the Internet.
well as the band is a pioneer in launching the web album was Radiohead, which was intended as a complete failure by speculators, but over time became a real success leading the fan to know and demand more of artists need to generate new material constantly, and with them presentations in each country and region of each of the continents.
The Internet has become a great ally for the musicians, and thanks to it can be known in unusual places, thanks to sites such as MySpace.com, Youtube.com, Facebook.com, Twitter.com, among others. So consolidated as musicians and fans have increased their profits by concerts and TV performances, and these websites also have launched new artists such as Justin Bieber (the latest) and have enhanced many artists almost unknown as Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Kesha, and groups of reggaeton. Ultimately we are
participate not only face of the evolution of music and technology market, consumers have also been profitable for the industry and technology companies that are striving to bring new consumer products. Thus musicians strive to create more and new music and adapt to the demands of fans and technology that is to serve them and all. Vinillo
If we move to the music via the Internet, what way will build the next generation musically?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thank You Note For A Football Coach

The 80 in Chile! Hurts

The 80 in Chile.

Chile throughout its history has been marked by concrete since its inception, which have created a unique identity of each of the Chileans.

Since the 70 are under a strong precedent for part of the policy, which generated a political era marked by the following year, also fashion, economics and music. The

80 in Chile, a subject we have to talk about, and unfortunately do not get to enjoy since we were born in the late 80's, but close to this time strongly we feel as we could be close to 80 thanks to the stories of our family, and also the TV series that have brought us to these remarkable years, with series like "The 80" channel 13 or "My Years Gros Chilevisión.

It's been almost 30 years from the date of this "Gros time, but we can make a comparison of what is done today and what was done in 80.

In the 80 strong was the political ideology that had people who were in favor or against the Government which was in those years, this period was also affected by economic crisis, and by a powerful earthquake that left the center of the country concerned.

Something very similar has happened in the current era of technology, we are with a change of government, obviously nothing like what happened in the eighties We hit a financial crisis and recently we were faced with an earthquake.

Many products and brands were consumed in the 80, for example, every schoolchild had a sweater "penguin" and / or shoes "teener" to go to school. taking cola-cao "at breakfast, or a" one plus one. "

As technology products, the color TV changed how fun they had the Chilean television now are more flashy and entertaining as you could see colors and details in each of the program, from the news to entertainment programs like "Sabado Gigante", "Music Video tape" beauty contests where they met the first Chilean Miss Universe, you could see the "Festival de Viña" among others.

This fun casual games also had the time, where they met children and adolescents fura of its passages and avenues to enjoy games like "Tombo", "The hidden" the "Pinch", a the "brown ones", to "panty" in summer time is met "mangueriarce" hallucinated men play "Atari" in the Independence Day period was played with the kite, the spin, the ball, among others, but generally enjoyed healthy and group play.

tube influential fashion at this time he was linked with music, were made famous sneakers, blue jeans, plaid shirts, the windbreaker, leather jackets, glasses and accessories among others. And the music was always the forerunner of fashion. Famous

groups are remembered from this era, such as prisoners, or those who came across the mountains and Soda Stereo to name few. Of the soloists Fernando Ubiergo, Gervasio, Madonna, Michael Jackson, among others. Which were heard in the "Personal Stereo" and bought "Cassette" to listen to their idols.

films of the era could be seen on VHS, which were reproduced in the "Video", leasing releases the seventh art in the "Video Club" of neighborhoods.

Among many things, the eighties was only the beginning to get where we are today.

currently school as in the eighties using a brand for their uniforms, either in the shoe they use, or sweater with brands such as Maui, Doo, among others.

neighborhood games were replaced by technology, and social networks on the Web, thanks to the Internet, computers and technological devices.

Even continue together in homes, but now is to play PlayStation or Nintendo Wii, and buy pirated movies, are downloaded from the Internet onto a CD and play on a DVD.

But music is still in force, either with current singers cover, or listening to groups that back in the technological devices called MP3, MP4, Ipod, where the music is downloaded from the Web and is stored for playback devices.

Very comfortable, fast and technology is our time, but the eighties would not change, because in those years formed the path to become what we are today.