The king was in his ureo crown protector, which symbolized a cobra Wadjet, the goddess of Lower Egypt which protected the pharaoh spitting fire on their enemies. In the creation myth of Hermopolis is because the ureo was so powerful. Atum
think their children Shu and Tefnut for relief after years of isolation as the only living thing in the waters of chaos. But the truth is that there were very good friends, it ended up escaping. Atum, again alone, he set out to find his newly created offspring extracting one of his eyes and giving it power to make a goddess, which is identified as Hathor or Sekhmet.
Once created, custom Atum his daughter Hathor-Sejm who searches the universe for signs of their children. When I finally discovered them, take them back with his father, who, weeping with joy, embraced. The tears fell to Earth and then shaped the first humans. In gratitude for services rendered, Atum eye returned to its place of origin in the form of a cobra, and promised his daughter to fend off so it would be feared by both gods and by men.
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