Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lady Mennen Crystal Clean

Earthquake in Chile February 27, 2010

The Chile earthquake of 2010 was a strong earthquake in the region of Bio Bio at 6:34:17 (UTC ) 3:34:17 local time 27 February 2010 of , with a magnitude of 8.8 M W , resulting in tsunami alert for coastal Peru, Chile , Ecuador , and Hawaii being the second strongest earthquake in twenty years, after that of Sumatra in 2004 and much stronger than the earthquake a month earlier in Haiti .

The epicenter happened at the expense of the Bio Bio Region , about 90 miles northwest of Concepción, Chile . and 59 kilometers beneath the earth's crust The quake occurred at 3:34 AM local time, and Santiago was rocked by more than two and a half minutes as reported.

There initially a tsunami warning for Chile and Peru . The warning was later extended to Ecuador, Colombia, Antarctica, Panama and Costa Rica, and subsequently, to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. You can expect a tsunami off the coast of Hawaii around of 11:05 am (UTC-10 ) not happened yet was expected and was canceled tsunami warning after only reached the shores of Hawaii with a meter in height.

The earthquake was the 5 th largest in the history measured by seismographs, scoring 8.8 magnitude richter . Damage

Large cities were the hardest hit Concepción, Curico , Talca y Rengo . La primera de ellas quedó aislada debido a la destrucción de las principales arterias viales de acceso, y al desprendimiento de una brecha del Puente Llacolén . Adicionalmente, el Puente Viejo quedó completamente destruido. Por su parte, las ciudades de Curicó , Talca , así como la mayor parte de las ciudades y pueblos aledaños ( VII y VIII Regiones en general), sufrieron devastadores daños estructurales debido a que las antiguas y centenarias edificaciones de adobe no habían sufrido mayor daño en los anteriores terremotos de Valdivia en 1960 and Santiago in 1985 because of its distance. In Santiago

buildings shook and some collapsed. Was closed Route 68 which connects the city of Valparaiso to Santiago for fear of collapse. The magnitude 8.8 earthquake caused the collapse of the telephone lines, so it was difficult to confirm the damage, along with a blackout around the Central Interconnected System (from the III X Regions). Therefore, Internet servers located in Santiago and the affected cities stopped work temporarily. Center The Pacific Tsunami Warning West Coast United States said it hoped for a tsunami in the Pacific U.S. or Canada , but would continue reviewing the situation.

The president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet , also said people in the Juan Fernandez archipelago, located in the Pacific Ocean , reported that a large wave came ashore leaving 5 people dead and 11 missing. A similar situation occurred in the resort of Ilocos and the port of Talcahuano , where a tidal wave was introduced to the historic port city's downtown, few minutes after the earthquake.

international reactions

  • Argentina: Argentina's president , Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner , contacted President Bachelet and offered "all necessary assistance" according to state news agency Telam.
  • Belarus : Sympathy for the many victims of earthquakes in Chile, said Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko . He expressed his condolences to the leaders of this country and the families of the victims.
  • Bolivia: Bolivia's president , Evo Morales said Saturday that Bolivia will share "what little they have" with the Chileans after the devastating earthquake that left more than 700 dead early this morning in the Andean country. "At the time of mourning, suffering, with many victims, to express our solidarity with the Chilean people, reiterating the willingness "to help Bolivia, Morales said.
  • Colombia: President Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez , said that cooperation and rescue systems are available Colombians aid that may require the authorities of the brotherly people of Chile, and the Colombian government expresses its solidarity with the people and government of Chile by earthquake occurred in that country on the morning of Saturday 27 February. the same thus extends its condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this horrible act.
  • Ecuador: The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa , expressed solidarity with the Chilean people and offered unconditional support.
  • United States: President of the United States , Barack Obama, spoke to President Michelle Bachelet and "urged coastal residents to follow the American West instructions of local authorities and evacuate coastal areas. "
  • France: French President , Nicolas Sarkozy sent his condolences to the Chilean Government and expressed solidarity with the people of that country.
  • Mexico: President Mexico, Felipe Calderón via Twitter expressed his solidarity and condolences to the government and people of Chile.
  • UN: The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon has offered his "condolences to those who have lost family members and friends," according to a statement from his spokesman.
  • Peru : "We extend our solidarity in this moment of grief and we are in government service and the Chilean people for what this country needs us," , said the president of Peru Alan Garcia also decreed a national holiday in the country.
  • Uruguay: Uruguayan President Vázquez solidarity with the sister Republic of Chile "and the families of victims through a statement from the Foreign Ministry .

Last Minute: Up to now, reports that more than 708 deaths in the country. (28/02/2010 16:00 Hrs Chile)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Leather Couch Rip Seam Repair Tape

For the Engineers ...

begin my fourth year running and for people who are studying engineering and who knows or has friends in some engineering:

is not no lie ... much less exaggerated ...

* You no longer feel sorry for drooling in class.

* know sleeping with open eyes.

* Coffee and coke are tools, never whims.

* hear the National Anthem two times on the radio, without leaving your chair.

* You've slept more than 20 hours on a weekend.

* You nodded in the bathroom.

* Your brother (s) believed to be son (a) only (a).

* You've heard all your discs in less than 48 hours.

* Not seen in public without dark circles.

* Not seen in public without sunglasses.

* When you receive an invitation, is followed by the question or have too much homework? '.

* lose the keys to your house for a week and do not realize.

* start to skip classes ... lunch and dinner.

* you wash your teeth and hair in the bathroom of the school.

* You have discovered the benefits of raparte or bring the tiny hair.

* hate people who says "I would study engineering ..." and I'll say it lightly, but have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe headaches that brings you the career, or worse, those who never finished the race and believe that so and engineers.

* For the first time since the onset of puberty leave your contact lenses and wear your bottoms of bottles.

* You are an ace at the time of the search for programs on the Internet and / or pages of suppliers or any type of information to work and case design. * You

final papers that are written on the night before the deadline.

* Merge breakfast, lunch and dinner at a big dinner.

* not conceive the holiday as nothing but time to sleep.

* You've gotten drunk with your teachers.

* Constantly create excuses to explain to your teachers of non-career, why did not you do the job.

* Someone once told you "lazy" and wanted to kill him.

* Your nightmares consist of not finishing something or get somewhere on time.

* You can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if it breaks your computer, or internet ....... TOTAL CHAOS! * You can use

Excel, Graphical or any program to perform calculations and / or graphics.

* To your parents are afraid to use words like "you finished" in front of you.

* You get excited if your data were beautiful in the graph.

* Shopping likely expensive books at home, only you understand.

* Tired of people telling you "I was going to be an engineer but I do not like math."

* Your natural archrival becomes a professional: Degree in anything ...

* There is no better place to sleep, two seats together and a backpack as a pillow.

* You have the mark of modernity: a callus on the bottom of the palm by the constant use of the mouse.
your poor
* A computer that no longer fit more programs or more PDF's.

* s got the ability to sleep in any media whether keyboards, backpacks, your peers, soil, food, etc..

* Thousands of times have you been in a sunrise, but never saw one.

* You stop seeing other human beings for you for months but has only been one day.

* Your dog barks and you do not recognize you because you lived outside your home for a few days or was it weeks?

* Always have the silly idea that your work will eventually be recognized.

* For you no difference between summer and normal.

* your new nephew is born and you say "little, my sister was pregnant?".

* Your car is no longer a means of transport and storage becomes your bed, closet ... your faithful companion. jejejejeje
* -----
home serves as a hotel, just get to bathe and sleep (occasionally). * Your friends

studying otherwise not have the same concept of task that you, always say "Oh because you do before class" or "Well, ask someone" or worse "Well do not."

* hate your parents tell you "I go to sleep!" or "IF you're not going to end it and go ... to sleep "or even the simple question" Would you be long? "may irritate you.

* When you have discovered the danger of going behind the wheel after 48 hours without sleep.

So if you have a friend, friend , cousin, cousin, girlfriend, brother, sister, lover ... to study engineering, you know that is never home and why, when, always asleep ..

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Implantation 4 Days Before Af

Starstrukk-3OH! 3 katy perry

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Plaster Of Paris Suppliers Edinburgh

My birthday at the home of evil

Friday, February 12, 2010

Tech Deck Igre Igre

22/12/2009 Kalamars

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Hack
