Sometimes, the Norns were named Vala or prophetess, and who had the power of divination, a power that is regarded with great veneration in the northern races, who believed he was restricted to women. The predictions were never questioned and Vala said that the Roman general Drusus was so terrified by the appearance of Veleda, one of the prophetess, who warned him to cross the Elbe, which ended up ordering the withdrawal. She foreshadowed his approaching death, which actually happened shortly after a fall from his horse.
These prophetess, which was also known as IDIS Hagedises dises or officiated in forest shrines and sacred groves, and always accompanied the invading armies. Topping or mixed with the army, strongly led the warriors to victory and when the battle was over, cut the eagle often bloody bodies of prisoners. The blood was collected in large buckets, where the dises dipped their bare arms to the shoulders, before joining the frenetic dance that concluded the ceremony.
No wonder that these women were much feared. Sacrifices were offered to them were right and was only in later times when they were demoted to the rank of witches and sent to join the crowds demons in Brocken (Germany), or Blocksberg Valpurgisnacht (valpurgis night).
addition to the Norns or designed, which were also considered protective deities, the Norse allotted to each man a guardian spirit called Fylgia, who attended him for life, or with human or animal form and remained invisible except in the time of death, except for the few initiates.
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