The name of Nicole Krauss appeared some time between those selected by the literary magazine Anglo Granta in his famous list of young American writers most promising. That list also appeared Krauss's husband, Jonathan Safran Foer . It may not be an exaggeration to say that there are commonalities between the books of both, as they are poignant, humorous and tender.
The love story (2005), whose adaptation film seems to be responsible Alfonso Cuarón, is the title of Krauss's second novel. From the beginning tells three parallel stories. First find Leopold Gursky, Polish immigrant who worked in New York as a locksmith and stalking the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath: living alone, it is concerned to die one day where no one has seen it in your wallet and card explaining what should a person who is found dead. In this first story an ironic tone is perceived differently from the second, whose narrator is Alma Singer, a girl of fifteen, an orphan of father and daughter of immigrants, whose mother gets a mysterious assignment to translate a curious novel, The love story , originally written in Yiddish and published in English. The voice of Alma is characterized by tenderness, not without a certain dose of humor. Leave a snippet:
"Giacometti said that sometimes, to paint only one head has to give up the whole figure. To paint a leaf has to sacrifice the whole landscape. At first it may appear that you limitándote but then you realize that if you catch an inch of something, you're more likely to perceive a sense of the universe if we want to cover the whole sky. My mother did not choose a head or a sheet. She chose my father and to preserve a sense, sacrificed the world. "
La tercera historia, narrada a diferencia de las anteriores en tercera persona omnisciente, nos adentra en la poco conocida vida de Zvi Litvinoff, autor de La historia del amor . Además de estas, encontramos también otras voces en el libro: la de Bird, hermano de Alma Singer, así como algunos fragmentos de La historia del amor , que se reproducen textualmente.
Este recurso de incluir unas historias dentro de otras nos puede recordar a la forma de trabajar de Paul Auster . Las tres tramas se funden en la parte final de la novela. Alma sospecha que la protagonista del libro existió realmente, y emprende la búsqueda de sus posibles huellas. El exilio, la soledad o el amor, are some of the ingredients of the novel, and the Holocaust appears as a backdrop. At its best, Krauss is endearing, funny, touching and, above all, very human, intelligent and sincere.
In an interview, Nicole Krauss declared feel very close to literature written in Castilian, he was saying that he admired Bolaño, Borges, Vila-Matas, Gabriela Mistral, Jose Donoso, Nicanor Parra ... The truth is that you can perceive the mark in style of English American authors.
Within the endless panorama of new books The love story is an enjoyable read, a book is not romantic but feelings that will appeal to more than one. A tribute to the books and the importance of these in our lives.
The love story (2005), whose adaptation film seems to be responsible Alfonso Cuarón, is the title of Krauss's second novel. From the beginning tells three parallel stories. First find Leopold Gursky, Polish immigrant who worked in New York as a locksmith and stalking the idea of \u200b\u200bdeath: living alone, it is concerned to die one day where no one has seen it in your wallet and card explaining what should a person who is found dead. In this first story an ironic tone is perceived differently from the second, whose narrator is Alma Singer, a girl of fifteen, an orphan of father and daughter of immigrants, whose mother gets a mysterious assignment to translate a curious novel, The love story , originally written in Yiddish and published in English. The voice of Alma is characterized by tenderness, not without a certain dose of humor. Leave a snippet:
"Giacometti said that sometimes, to paint only one head has to give up the whole figure. To paint a leaf has to sacrifice the whole landscape. At first it may appear that you limitándote but then you realize that if you catch an inch of something, you're more likely to perceive a sense of the universe if we want to cover the whole sky. My mother did not choose a head or a sheet. She chose my father and to preserve a sense, sacrificed the world. "
La tercera historia, narrada a diferencia de las anteriores en tercera persona omnisciente, nos adentra en la poco conocida vida de Zvi Litvinoff, autor de La historia del amor . Además de estas, encontramos también otras voces en el libro: la de Bird, hermano de Alma Singer, así como algunos fragmentos de La historia del amor , que se reproducen textualmente.
Este recurso de incluir unas historias dentro de otras nos puede recordar a la forma de trabajar de Paul Auster . Las tres tramas se funden en la parte final de la novela. Alma sospecha que la protagonista del libro existió realmente, y emprende la búsqueda de sus posibles huellas. El exilio, la soledad o el amor, are some of the ingredients of the novel, and the Holocaust appears as a backdrop. At its best, Krauss is endearing, funny, touching and, above all, very human, intelligent and sincere.
In an interview, Nicole Krauss declared feel very close to literature written in Castilian, he was saying that he admired Bolaño, Borges, Vila-Matas, Gabriela Mistral, Jose Donoso, Nicanor Parra ... The truth is that you can perceive the mark in style of English American authors.
Within the endless panorama of new books The love story is an enjoyable read, a book is not romantic but feelings that will appeal to more than one. A tribute to the books and the importance of these in our lives.