Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bacterial Infection Of Throat And Tongue

Paris / The place

and Paris Place are the second and third volumes of the trilogy involuntary Uruguayan writer Mario Levrero. I said in a previous post the enthusiasm that had produced the first title, City. Well, the rest of the trilogy to me that I'm an author interesting and I think unjustly little known, even if you have completed the first doctoral dissertation on her life and after his death in 2004 most of his books are editing. One thing to note: The site was written in 1969 and is not thirteen years later when published.

And say, why is called "involuntary" trilogy? Well it seems to be because Levrero not proposed in advance to write a trilogy, but the third title when he finished he realized he had written three books with similar themes (urban environment, solitary protagonist immersed in a world dominated by forces do not understand), so decided to call it involuntary.

The second title, the protagonist arrives at a Paris stranger, taxis filled with cobwebs and a layer of dust covering everything. The author invented in this context a series of images that grow uncontrollably in the reader's imagination. The book caused a delicious sense of strangeness.

The place fascinated me more than Paris, although I must say that Levrero maintains the highest standards throughout the trilogy. The final volume reminds The Invention of Morel of Bioy Casares. In his argument does not say anything to not destroy its great capacity to surprise. It is an intriguing story supported over the cracks left by the reality. But Levrero not provide answers to questions posed by his novels, just leave them there for the reader decide for himself, and his characters lack strong certainties.

On the back of one volume, is a quote from Oliver Levrero Coelho speaks as a writer of ghostly. I think a good definition of the effect of creating his novels, which have the atmosphere of a dream.

Only these three books, Mario Levrero I find an author to take into account. The trilogy is one of the readings that surprised me most last year. Now I have to go with an empty discourse , The light novel ...

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

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Van't Hoff's hair

"And whenever I talked or thought about the Nobel Prizes had for Van't Hoff. Moreover, it is possible that it will begin to talk or think about the Nobel Prizes, then count the case of Van't Hoff. Because he enjoyed counting for Van't Hoff. Enjoyed.

A Van't Hoff was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1901. The first Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The world. Jacobus Henricus. Van't Hoff. That was his full name. Jacobus Henricus. Van't Hoff's name. Friends call him otherwise securely. The family, uncles, mother children, otherwise. After he died in 1911, probably in Berlin. With 59 years. [....] But Matthew was not interested in those things. There were more than data. All that. Data. A Matthew was interested, above all, a photograph of Van't Hoff. A photograph: Van't Hoff appeared only in the picture, and I had, much less 59 years, or even 58. Would 35-40. Or maybe two more. And that means that the photograph was a photograph of the nineteenth century. And in the nineteenth century people did not make many photographs. Half a dozen in all life, at best. As much. So they put terribly elegant for photographs. Also Van't Hoff appeared terribly elegant photography. But that was not the most impressive of the photograph. The most impressive of the photograph was that Van't Hoff had not been combed. Van't Hoff's hair was a mess on the left side of the head. With exaggeration. As if he had gotten out of bed before seven seconds. And someone has to have much personality to choose not to comb when you know perfectly well that not going to do more than one, two, three shots in his life. And Van't Hoff appears in all encyclopedias, biographies and science books in the world with wild hair on the left side of the head, as if it were always out of bed seven seconds before someone opened the encyclopedia or biography or science book. And Van't Hoff was Nobel Prize in Chemistry and should sleep very well because if it is not difficult to have hair as raised on the left side of the head. In the nineteenth century.

why he was so fond Matthew Van't Hoff. For his personality. By the personality that had Van't Hoff, not combing the day of photography. And Matthew used to decide that he was so fond of Van't Hoff and their aunts. A aunts. Not Van't Hoff's aunts, of course. At his own. "

Unai Elorriaga, Van't Hoff's hair .

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

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Monday, March 21, 2011

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uncomplicated grammar

Today I just wanted to present this book of nonfiction: uncomplicated grammar of Alex Grijelmo. Surely you may know the author: President of the EFE news agency, responsible for Stylebook of The Country and, among other things, the radio program partner is not an ordinary day , Pepa Fernandez who heads the National Radio Spain.

Other essays, published Grijelmo uncomplicated grammar (2006), an informative work, clear and simple, where a review of morphology and syntax of English. This is a book for beginners (I think, for example, Hispanic students) may be somewhat light , and certainly insufficient, but for people with an average level of education can be very useful. Here know different language issues and resolve doubts without the inconvenience of deploying terminology that boast more advanced works.

Grijelmo is well explained, and a pleasure to read.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Seating At A Trestle Table

Saturn's rings

are several points in common with WG Sebald and Roberto Bolaño : both authors started to publish late, succeeded and died prematurely at the height of their careers: Bolaño in 2003 due to liver failure, Sebald apparently after suffering a heart attack while he was driving when he ran in 2001. From that year dates his novel Austerlitz , which critics have both highlighted as his best book. The opinion of the writer of these lines coincides with that assessment. In "The case Sebald" Rodrigo Fresán analyzed the possible reasons for the rapid canonization of German author.

But the novel that concerns us is Saturn's rings. The book's subtitle, "an English pilgrimage", puts us in the field of travel literature. In this case, it is a journey on foot through the county of Suffolk, east England. The protagonist is a transcript of the author (with the same name), which, together with that Sebald includes photographs of the places through which it passes, it increases the effect of realism. The journey begins, taking into account what the narrator tells us, "hoping to escape from the emptiness that was spreading me after completing an important job. " We also know from the start that the trip lasts just over a year, after which the star was admitted to the hospital in Norwich, where he began to write the text that makes up the book.

Saturn's rings is a hybrid of genres, ranging between autobiography and fiction, novels, travel books and essays. Sometimes I've wondered: is this really a novel? The low use of full stop density gives a text would Sebald essay in which boasts of scholarship and talks about various subjects that his prose is binding: from Lesson Anatomy of Dr. Tulp Rembrandt to the specifics of fishing for herring in the British coast of the crimes committed in the course of civilization in the Congo to the skull of Thomas Browne, Chateaubriand or Swinburne to favorable or unfavorable weather French for the development of sericulture, through stories of Chinese emperors or references to Roger Casement, present character as the protagonist of Celtic's dream, the latest novel by Nobel Peruvian Mario Vargas Llosa.

The author's prose is of outstanding clarity, no problem in understanding. The style stands out from the plot. Sebald, who prided himself on not reading his contemporaries, has become in recent years in an author in the literary scene today. Among his followers have authors like Javier Marias . Particularly, I enjoyed with Austerlitz, but I admit that I've bored enough with this book. I did not take her finish the point.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pattycake New Pic Sets

FORUM - SECOND YEAR For the 3D module

have the opportunity to participate in the next forum,

How have the contributions of the world scientific humanity?

read on the subject, then write your comment, do not forget to print your response and paste it into your notebook.

will be open until next Saturday 19 at 16:00
s Greetings all

Photo: In 2nd Well making scientific drawing, in the context of the comment, the first step of the scientific method. It is the beginning of all scientific research!.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Ólafur Arnalds-Found Cousins \u200b\u200bsongs

Album Title: Songs Found
Author: Ólafur Arnalds
Year of Publication: 2009
Country: Iceland
Genre: (neo) classical minimalism. Titles
disc: 01 Erla's Waltz, 02 Raein, 03 Romance, 04 Allt Hljott Vard, 05 Lost Song, 06 Faun, 07 Ljósið.
Duration: 20 minutes.
Links: myspace
and website.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Swollen Ankles After Alcohol

Cousins \u200b\u200b(2011) is the third film by Daniel Sánchez Arevalo-winning short film that a few years ago made his debut with the acclaimed long DarkBlueAlmostBlack , who won three Goya. After Gordos , his second film, and field change now presents his first play, which apparently is being well received in theaters. The other day I was watching and the truth is it was one of those times when you leave the cinema without a doubt that was worth paying the entrance. To be honest, at the beginning of the film's jokes did not make me very much, but as the minutes passed reached the inevitable laughter, until end convinced he had seen a good comedy. My impression is that it goes in crescendo .

The film starts with a classic case of abandonment at the altar. A Diego has five jilted bride days before the wedding, but he has decided to attend the ceremony finally convinced that she would regret. It is not the case, and Diego just alone in the church, the only company of her two cousins. After a conversation with them, decided to return to the village, Comillas, whose festivities are being held to try to win back a former love. Daniel Sánchez Arévalo

becomes a circle of actors ever (Quim Gutiérrez, Antonio de la Torre, Raúl Arévalo), which in my opinion a very good sign interpretations, giving life to a good script by director. Cousins \u200b\u200b is a comedy fresh, bright, soaked in a festive atmosphere with a healthy lack of pretension, that evidence notwithstanding the well-prepared. Like most movies, you can blame things (it all depends on the desire and the degree of acidity that one has), but we must recognize the strengths of this film, a film endearing and credible, with doses of tenderness, a romance ... And, as he was saying Oesido , Cousins \u200b\u200b shows something that no other film can boast that abound in the billboard: respect for the viewer.

(Incidentally, the above picture is hilarious imitation cousins \u200b\u200bmake a song from the Backstreet Boys, one of the highlights of the film.)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Vaio Cam Not Detecting

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ssc Service Utility Français

(preferably before dying)

These are the ones that I've finally chosen:

1. The Waste Land, TS Eliot
2. Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
3. Ulysses, James Joyce
4. Tracker, Julio Cortázar
5. The Man Without Qualities / Tribulations Torless student of Robert Musil
6. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace
7. Crime and Punishment, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
8. Life, instructions use of Georges Perec
9. Nobody lit lamps of Felisberto Hernández
10. Bird Chronicle winds the world, Haruki Murakami
11. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
12. The Lover, Marguerite Duras
13. The Regent , Clarin
14. Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
15. Manso's friend of Benito Perez Galdos
16. Oedipus of Sophocles
17. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
18. Conversation in the Cathedral by Mario Vargas Llosa
19. Jakob von Gunten , Robert Walser
20. Madame Bovary, by Gustave Flaubert
21. American Pastoral by Philip Roth
22. Latest Afternoons with , Juan Marse
23. Under the Volcano, Malcolm Lowry
24. If a winter's night a traveler / The Baron in the Trees, by Italo Calvino
25. Background noise , Don DeLillo
26. Red and black , Stendhal
27. Hare, Cesar Aira
28. Museum of the novel of the eternal Of Macedonio Fernández
29. Valley of the enslaved of Rejean Ducharme
30. Macbeth by William Shakespeare
31. Anna Karenina, Tolstoy
32. Bomarzo , Manuel Mujica Lainez
33. Tristram Shandy, Laurence Sterne
34. In Search of Lost Time, Marcel Proust
35. Paradiso, by José Lezama Lima
36. Walden by Henry David Thoreau
37. Title for choosing by Stefan Zweig
38. The saga / drain JB, Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
39. Trials , de Montaigne
40. Hunger, Knut Hamsun
41. The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne
42. The Death of Virgil, Hermann Broch
43. Germinal, Emile Zola
44. Title for choosing , Antonio Lobo-Antunes.
45. Journey to the End of the Night , Louis-Ferdinand Céline
46. You'll return to Region , John Benet
47. The Lord of the Flies by William Golding
48. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
49. Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri
50. The Sorrows of Young Werther , Goethe

What qualifications do not you would want to lose you?