Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Mouthwash Should I Drink To Get Drunk

Van't Hoff's hair

"And whenever I talked or thought about the Nobel Prizes had for Van't Hoff. Moreover, it is possible that it will begin to talk or think about the Nobel Prizes, then count the case of Van't Hoff. Because he enjoyed counting for Van't Hoff. Enjoyed.

A Van't Hoff was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1901. The first Nobel Prize in Chemistry. The world. Jacobus Henricus. Van't Hoff. That was his full name. Jacobus Henricus. Van't Hoff's name. Friends call him otherwise securely. The family, uncles, mother children, otherwise. After he died in 1911, probably in Berlin. With 59 years. [....] But Matthew was not interested in those things. There were more than data. All that. Data. A Matthew was interested, above all, a photograph of Van't Hoff. A photograph: Van't Hoff appeared only in the picture, and I had, much less 59 years, or even 58. Would 35-40. Or maybe two more. And that means that the photograph was a photograph of the nineteenth century. And in the nineteenth century people did not make many photographs. Half a dozen in all life, at best. As much. So they put terribly elegant for photographs. Also Van't Hoff appeared terribly elegant photography. But that was not the most impressive of the photograph. The most impressive of the photograph was that Van't Hoff had not been combed. Van't Hoff's hair was a mess on the left side of the head. With exaggeration. As if he had gotten out of bed before seven seconds. And someone has to have much personality to choose not to comb when you know perfectly well that not going to do more than one, two, three shots in his life. And Van't Hoff appears in all encyclopedias, biographies and science books in the world with wild hair on the left side of the head, as if it were always out of bed seven seconds before someone opened the encyclopedia or biography or science book. And Van't Hoff was Nobel Prize in Chemistry and should sleep very well because if it is not difficult to have hair as raised on the left side of the head. In the nineteenth century.

why he was so fond Matthew Van't Hoff. For his personality. By the personality that had Van't Hoff, not combing the day of photography. And Matthew used to decide that he was so fond of Van't Hoff and their aunts. A aunts. Not Van't Hoff's aunts, of course. At his own. "

Unai Elorriaga, Van't Hoff's hair .


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