Monday, May 16, 2011

Vegeta Bulma Moments Episode

New books

As usual, I share here the new acquisitions:
- formula favorite teacher by Yoko Ogawa. A book I did not know until I heard speak well of him in a couple of blogs: Blanks ... Read and unhurried (both in the sidebar of this page.) Synopsis of the book here.
- Chronicle of a Death Foretold , by Gabriel García Márquez. I have read it already, and the truth is that I find very good book, I was reconciled to García Márquez after The Love in the Time of Cholera , it is not my favorite Colombian.
- Nobody lit the lamps of Felisberto Hernández. An author who had heard quoting other writers and I have curiosity to read.
- The Sorrows of Young Werther of Goethe. A classic, what to say.

- The vain yesterday, Isaac Rosa. A novel that gave a lot to talk when it was published some years ago and made Isaac Rosa on the front page of English literature. Was awarded the Rómulo Gallegos, who also won, to give two examples, The Savage Detectives and Tomorrow in the Battle Think on Me .

May you all a good week.


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