Actually, there are many descriptions of the Hindu universe as versions of its creation, all of them, however, are based on the tension between the eternity and reincarnation.

The land consists of seven circular continents, the center sits on a sea of \u200b\u200bsalty water that rises Mount Meru. South of it is Bharatavarsa, the ancient name of India, while below are the demons and snakes spread across the seven levels of hell are over seven levels of heaven, crowned at the top of Brahman, the abode of the perfect souls. To the souls that have escaped the torments of hell there are two paths: Path of the Gods, reserved for the perfect souls, leading north from the Sun to the eternal peace of Brahman, and the Way of Our Fathers, south Sun, for those souls who have to return to Earth to be reborn. This cycle of creation and destruction, birth, death and back to life, symbolizes the transit of both soul and the universe itself.
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