About saurómatas, is the following. When the Greeks fought against the Amazons "to which the Amazons oiorpata the call written, word andractonoi Greek equivalent to "murderous" as oior means "man" and leg "kill." It is well known then that the Greek victors in the battle of Thermodon were made to sail on three ships carrying as many Amazons had been taken prisoners, but at sea they were attacked and smashed. But did not understand or manage rowing boats, and after having killed men were left to arrive at the mercy of the waves and wind. Cremnos arrived in the lagoon Meotis; Cremnos belongs to the region of the free Scythians. They came down the aisles the Amazons and headed to the town. They took the first herd of horses that ran, and mounted on them plundered the country of the Scythians. They could not hit upon
these with what was happening, they do not know the language or the dress or the nation, and wonder from where they could come. Hold them by men of the same age, and fought against them, as a result of battle, the Scythians took control of the bodies, and Sain knew that they were women. Agreement took the case and later decided not to kill any, and send their young men in equal number to that as assumed, would be that of those, the brothels were to camp near them and do what they hiciesen, if they admitting they had not pursued the fight but had to flee and cease when back and camp near them. Thus the Scythians were resolved wanting to have children by them. The young men met
shipped orders. When warned the Amazons who came with no hostile spirit, let them luck, but every day a camp closer to the other. Young people, as the Amazons did not get anything but their arms and horses and Vivian equally with them, hunting and fishing.
At noon the Amazons were as follows: scattered from a one or two, and away from each other, spreading out to meet your needs. The Scythians, who had noted, did the same, and one lunged at one of those who went alone: not reject the Amazon, before I let you do. I could not speak because it is not understood, but I would point out signs that the next day came at the same place and bring other "showing them by signs that they were two" and that she brought to the next. When he returned the boy, told this to others the next day came and brought another, and I find the Amazon with another that was waiting. Them aware of the other boys, was tamed from the others. After the real
i lived together in company, taking each in the one with the first who had joined. The men could not learn the language of women, but women took the men. And when came to understand the men said the Amazons: "We have parents, we have assets, so therefore we do not keep more in this life, Let's meet and live with our people, for women I will to you, and not some others." To which they responded this way: "We can not live with your wives, because we do not have the same usages as themselves. We launched the bow, the javelin throw, we ride and we learned not work mujeréeles, your wives, on the contrary, know nothing of what I have said, but remain in their cars and do their work without going out to hunt or part no. Then, we could not flood. But if you want to enjoy fair fame, and keep us women, go and see your parents and take your share of goods, return and then live apart. "
persuaded young people and so I did. After taking the part of the property they played, they returned to the Amazons, the women and told them: "Fear and dread to think that we have to live in these places, private party for your parents, and partly have devastated much your land, we cross the Tanais and live there. " Persuaded
also know that young people spent the Tanais, and walked towards Levante three days' journey from Tanais, and three North downwind from the lagoon Meotis. Arrived at the same place where you dwell in the present, fixed their abode. Since then, women of the Sarmatians living on the ancient use: go hunting horses together to men or without them, and wear the same clothes as men.
The Scythian Sarmatian language speakers, while full of solecisms since ancient times, since the Amazons did not learn well. As for marriage is a decree, any girl marries if not kill an enemy before, and some of them die old and unmarried, for failing to enforce the law.
Published by Editorial Lumen
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