May 1, the day of Beltaine, Partholón came to the island. Came from the world beyond twenty-four men and twenty women.
is much that in those days so long ago, the island was a place with no trees, no green plains, watered only by nine rivers and three lakes. And be aware that partholonianos lived there and transformed the landscape. For work of miraculous actions widened the land and created four flats, the first of which called Mag sen or "plain old", and made seven new lakes and it increased to five hundred people, despite the battles with the deformed femorianos .
Many and anxious were battles between femorianos Partholón and race, many harrowing battles in which, however, provided the partholonianos expired. Then in a bloody battle on the Plains of Ith, Partholón Deunsolopié Cichol killed, the horrible demon fomorian chief. They fled to the surrounding islands i decided to wait el momento propicio para regresar, mientras observaban a distancia la hermosa isla que, a lo largo del tiempo, los partholonianos iban revistiendo de una esponjosa hierba verde.
Pero luego de los años de paz, también en un día de Beltaine, una misteriosa plaga comenzó a azotar a los partholonianoas. Entonces todos, que preveían el desenlace, se reunieron en la primera llanura que crearon, Sen Mag, para rendir tributo a los ciclos y esperar la muerte. Asi, los sobrevivientes fueron enterrando a los que morían, hasta que el último de ellos –dicen que era una mujer joven- apoyo su cabeza en la tierra removida y partió al sitio de donde habían llegado, mas de tres veces cien años antes.
Solo una semana Hard plague and, in just one week, took them all: the island was again inhabited. And in the original plain, that that had created partholonianos, remained for many centuries the signal from a mound near Dublin called Tamlecht Muintre Partholain or "Tomb Partholón people." Partholón race was the first divine dynasty floor green island before the arrival of the beautiful gods of light.
Selection and stories: ARIEL PYTRELL
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