His birth was miraculous in the extreme. It is said that the nine maidens of the Waves, the daughters of Aegir, the god of the oceans, conceived simultaneously. For this Odin joined during a time in which this had fallen to Midgard and walking along the seashore. According to other versions, in its genesis not even have involved male contribution.
Heimdall is characterized by kindness and wisdom. Other gods seek his advice whenever a problematic situation occurs, for example, when the giant Thrym stole Thor's hammer and asked instead to Freyja. According to the "Song of Rig" of the Elder Edda, Heimdall would be also the founder of the three estates of Viking society: slaves, free men and aristocrats.
is therefore a god of order, operator of a human and divine guardian of order. So no surprise that several myths have as an antagonist to Loki, the god of chaos. Both fought for the necklace of Freyja, and who will capture Loki Heimdall after it caused the death of Balder, the most beloved of the sons of Odin. This enmity
Loki, the poets sometimes called Enemy of Loki. He also received the nickname "Son of Nine Mothers, Guardian of the Gods, As White, Seeker of Freyja's Necklace, The Teeth of Gold and Gulltop owner, this for his steed Gulltop (" Golden Mane "). It also has a sword named head, but its object Giallarhorn feature is the horn, which sounds to give the alarm. His mighty roar shakes the air, where one of the enemies of Asgard walks over the rainbow sacred.
But there will be a distant time in which Giallarhorn ring out last time, because even the gods will come an end. As prophesied guess, when completed by the Nalfgar, the longship that was built in Hel with the claws of the dead, the forces of chaos, led by Loki, the Bifrost fractions to cross its path. The Gjallarhorn resonate so strongly then that will be heard in the new world called the gods to the last fight.
After this final showdown, the world and the gods reborn survivors take the place of the fallen. But among those, if we listen to Snorri Sturlusson not find Heimdall. He and Loki will kill each other during the battle.