Traveling Svartalfheim, the area of \u200b\u200bthe dark elves, Freya was found with four brothers. Were dwarfs, people of short stature and malformed from hollow earth (Dvalin, Alfrik, Berling and Grero). The dwarves were goldsmiths and were busy forging a beautiful necklace, the BrĂsingamen. As Freya's eyes fell upon the product of their skillful hands dark He immediately fell in love and swore to possess the necklace whatever their price.
The dwarves, as they had agreed with her, just finished the collar present it to the greedy Freya. With sore eyes in the bright sunlight, the older brother gives him the necklace and gives it to know its price. The BrĂsingamen be yours as a gift, if you spend a night with each of the four brothers. She must decide: Will it be faithful to her husband Odin or accept the gift he desires? Freya
finally accepted the deal and was discovered by a raven, sent by Loki, who finished counting infidelity Odin.
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