in the Eddas is said that Freya is the wife of ROD (Od) (Odin), and crying red tears when the Od left alone. Many think that Freya and Frigg were nearly two versions of the same goddess. Frigg was the wife "official" Odin, Balder was born of their union. But I believe that both were wives of Odin. Od, is one of the names of Odin, and this also left alone for long to Frigg, I think it is clear that Odin and Od are the same person, and Frigg and Freya, which would be the wife and the mistress of Odin, or were the two wives.
Often it is mounted in a chariot drawn by two large cats. She is the daughter of Niord and Nerthus and twin sister of Frey, and both are "stewards of light." It is responsible for distributing the rains, and is capable of flying in a cloud of feathers of a hawk. Freya was also the head of the Valkyries, with which shipped through to his palace in the middle of the warriors killed in combat. He had his residence in Asgard, the palace in the areas Sessrymnir Folkwang. Was entitled to choose half of the souls of those killed in combat, she received them as a Valkyrie, in his palace. There the dead were served by their faithful wives and women who died before marriage. Thus, not all were dead warriors to Vallhall Odin, were others who were with Freya. (Ultimate destination) ...
had many followers among women. It is known that some accompanied their husbands into battle, died when they killed their men, or were thrown on the funeral piles of their husbands. They believed that if they died together would also together until the joyous home of Freya and be together forever. Freya is the personification of the earth. You can give and take. Is fruitful and receptive. When you wish you can take the form of a bird (the cloud of hawk feathers.) The Cat and the swallow are two animals that were sacred. Because it is so beautiful, Freya was often pursued by suitors especially giants. When shown dressed only in his collar, no man can resist their charms. Also called Mardöll light (sea), Gersimi (gem) and Menglödh ("happy with her necklace.") Freya called "Hnoss" his daughter, which means jewel.
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