Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blood Donation Period

outrageous A man who sleeps Agnes Obel-Philharmonics

Lees an author that you find interesting, the author refers to another author that interests him and think that the second author may also be of interest to you. And indeed, it happens. You see, the world, after all, is not so wrong.

is no more or less what I happened to Georges Perec. Taking into account the views enthusiastic about his work of Enrique Vila-Matas and Roberto BolaƱo, two authors that I find quite exciting, you could say has been too long until I looked out one of the books of French. leaving for later life, instructions, made a first foray into narrative of this singular author A man who sleeps (1967), one of Perec's novels has been good enough to rescue the editorial Impedimenta.

The book opens with a quote from Kafka that does not seem useless to reproduce here: "No need to leave home. Stay at your table and listen. Not even listen, only wait. Not even wait, stay all alone and in silence. The world will come to you to be unmasked, it can not stop and fell prostrate at your feet ecstatic. "A few lines that give us a clue which way the shots in this novel. Its protagonist is a student of twenty years, supporting the "rather not" the mythical character of Melville, he decides, without premeditation, did not get out of bed the day of its review of sociology. Not wanting to continue, stop going to class, to see his friends and is dedicated to the contemplative life. Are held in his garret, read, sleep, wash your clothes, look at the cracks in the ceiling, listening to the noise floor neighbor.

so makes his intentions: "Out of all projects, all impatience. To be without desire, without vexation, without rebellion. Appear before you, the thread of time, a still life, no crisis, no mess, no roughness, no imbalance. Minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, season after season, something that will never end will start: your plant life, your life is void. "Begins thus a kind of lifeless life, invisible. Faced with the prevailing idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess, compared to large projects, is dedicated to live without many aspirations. Runs like a sleepwalker, mostly at night, the streets of Paris, go to the movies, meets the pastimes of the newspaper, playing cards just going to the library ...

"... you're going to evolve all, decoupling of everything. Discover, sometimes almost with a kind of intoxication, you're free, you weigh nothing, or you like or dislike you (...) Experience total rest, are, at all times, guarded, protected. You live in a happy parentheses in a void full of promises that do not expect anything. Are invisible, clear, transparent. No longer exist ... "

distancing, detachment ... As you have noted, the book is narrated in second person, you could say something original, at least unusual, which favors the split. Abound in the novel enumerations, one element that gives the narrative rhythm.

This way of life of the protagonist, whose name is unknown, it is revealed finally unsatisfying, attempt. Read thus that indifference does not teach anything that has not learned anything. "The world has moved and you have not changed," he says.

Chronicle of insucedido , A sleeping man was not exactly what I expected, but I think an interesting proposition for those looking different from other books. Continue reading Perec.

film adaptation of the novel, self-titled, has the script by Perec. A fragment of the film by clicking here .

Earlier I alluded to Bartleby, the Scrivener. In the novel, Perec refers to the famous character created by Herman Melville, but did not name:

"Some time ago, in New York, a few hundred yards from the piers where they beat the last waves of the Atlantic a man left to die. He worked as a clerk for a lawyer. Hidden behind a screen, sat at his desk and never moved. He ate gingerbread. I looked out the window a blackened brick wall that almost could have touched with hand. It was useless to ask what it was, that releyese a text or go to post. Neither threats nor entreaties exercising power over him. In the end, he was almost blind. We had to catch him. Was installed in the stairwell of the building. Then they locked him up, but sat in the courtyard of the jail and refused to eat. "

Is it clear, no?


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