Dawn in New York has four columns
silt and a hurricane
black pigeons splashing in putrid waters.
Dawn in New York
groans on enormous fire escapes
searching between the angles
nard of anguish.
Dawn arrives and no one receives it in his mouth
because there is no tomorrow and hope possible.
sometimes furious swarming coins
drill and devour abandoned children.
The first to leave their bones
that there will be no love without leaves paradise:
know they will be mired in numbers and laws,
to mindless games, in fruitless labors.
Light is buried under chains and noises in
impudent challenge of rootless science.
Through the suburbs sleepless people stagger
as straight out of a shipwreck of blood.
Federico García Lorca, Poeta en Nueva York .
comment Proposal
"Dawn" is one of the most emblematic poems Poeta en Nueva York , a book Lorca is influenced by surrealism. The author moves to New York in 1929 (the year of the great crisis, the Wall Street crash, the suicide). Coming from a small town, as it was then Granada, Lorca felt buildings admired by the great city \u200b\u200b(Harlem was impressed, especially jazz), but also will criticize the materialism, the capitalist economic system, slavery of men in this town, exploitation, racism. In vacuum owners, Luis García Montero writes Poeta en Nueva York "poison inside the symbols of hope." It is what we see in this poem, a description of dawn New York that is not presented as something beautiful: the morning twilight is already infected at the center. In the poem the author expresses by this description of their horror at the cruelty and stifling way of life that overrides the human, expresses bewilderment existential, the uprooting of the inhabitants of the city when the day begins. There is no division into stanzas, but you can differentiate different parts. Verses 1-8 are like two stanzas headed "dawn" to describe this morning. In verse 9 is introduced and the inhabitants of the city, who lead the rest of the verses, except the 17-18. García Montero writes that "the dizzying stream of images leads us to a negative feeling desolate." The poem we spread a sense: if you look at the lexicon (silt, hurricane, black, rotten, whining, anxiety, no, angry, drill, eat, left ...) and particulate matter (without, des, or, in), which often deny concepts of positive connotations, we note that all goes in one direction. The symbols of hope appear destroyed. These columns of silt allude to the architecture of the city and its skyscrapers. The doves (symbol of peace, the Holy Spirit in the Christian religion) are here a destructive hurricane and are black, perhaps because of the smoke. Water purifying element is rotten, stagnant. This is no sign of life quite the contrary. Here is personified dawn, that "groans" looking "spikenard", a natural element. That search was fruitless suspect living in a city back to nature. When we read "no one receives it in his mouth", you may be referring, although there are different interpretations, to the consecrated host, which has the same circular shape of the rising sun. And, as no one receives, there is no hope, no heaven, it is a real hell. The children, who represent the hope for the future, have the heart drilling, are devoured by commercialism, by these bees seem metal coins. Later he speaks of "mired in numbers and laws." In this connection, in another poem of the book we read that "under the multiplication / drop of blood is a duck" (again, the struggle between natural and the artificial, the civilization that destroys nature.) The author portrays a world in which work can not reap the rewards. Light, another positive sign, (the triumph of Reason in the eighteenth century of lights) appears buried here, and science has lost its roots. "There is no denying science, but which has no roots" (García-Posada). Science has lost its link with nature and has destroyed the natural harmony of man with the world. Points to a culprit of this degradation: money, unbridled commercialism. And finally there is the devastating image of people walking insomniac (a city without sleep and without dreams), alienated, "as fresh from a shipwreck of blood. " This is as we have seen a very visual poem, a denunciation of the dark side of capitalism and the industrial world of scientific progress that forgets the human progress.
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