Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do Mayonnaise Packets Expire

How Internet has managed to survive the music industry?

We are not from the time of the little wine, but if born in the eighties, where the music was on tape, and even recorded them in the same teams players of the era, whether musical equipment as well as in the famous "Personal Stereo".
saw the birth of the CD, the deal at the time of maximum splendor and his death in the music industry with the advent of mp3 players that followed with mp4 and who knows what else comes.
When the CD arrived, and the boom of artists from around the world, to name some of our time like Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, Stereo 3, Glup, Canadian Idol, among others, the music industry began to decline due to changes technology which I believe in Piracy's famous market. It was at that moment when they began to disappear some artists, both emerging and consolidated, but also with hacking began to promote live performances of those who fought to stay in the industry.
they grow and evolve the technology we became addicted to this and this is how we and saw the death of the famous CD thanks to the music formats that are downloaded through the web and why not say thanks to MP3 and piracy that took advantage of this. Today
up on cell phones have all sorts of music, and this is custom ringtone to a Realtone fashionable. This and more the same record companies realized a new business was born, music downloads via the Internet.
well as the band is a pioneer in launching the web album was Radiohead, which was intended as a complete failure by speculators, but over time became a real success leading the fan to know and demand more of artists need to generate new material constantly, and with them presentations in each country and region of each of the continents.
The Internet has become a great ally for the musicians, and thanks to it can be known in unusual places, thanks to sites such as MySpace.com, Youtube.com, Facebook.com, Twitter.com, among others. So consolidated as musicians and fans have increased their profits by concerts and TV performances, and these websites also have launched new artists such as Justin Bieber (the latest) and have enhanced many artists almost unknown as Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Kesha, and groups of reggaeton. Ultimately we are
participate not only face of the evolution of music and technology market, consumers have also been profitable for the industry and technology companies that are striving to bring new consumer products. Thus musicians strive to create more and new music and adapt to the demands of fans and technology that is to serve them and all. Vinillo
If we move to the music via the Internet, what way will build the next generation musically?

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thank You Note For A Football Coach

The 80 in Chile! Hurts

The 80 in Chile.

Chile throughout its history has been marked by concrete since its inception, which have created a unique identity of each of the Chileans.

Since the 70 are under a strong precedent for part of the policy, which generated a political era marked by the following year, also fashion, economics and music. The

80 in Chile, a subject we have to talk about, and unfortunately do not get to enjoy since we were born in the late 80's, but close to this time strongly we feel as we could be close to 80 thanks to the stories of our family, and also the TV series that have brought us to these remarkable years, with series like "The 80" channel 13 or "My Years Gros Chilevisión.

It's been almost 30 years from the date of this "Gros time, but we can make a comparison of what is done today and what was done in 80.

In the 80 strong was the political ideology that had people who were in favor or against the Government which was in those years, this period was also affected by economic crisis, and by a powerful earthquake that left the center of the country concerned.

Something very similar has happened in the current era of technology, we are with a change of government, obviously nothing like what happened in the eighties We hit a financial crisis and recently we were faced with an earthquake.

Many products and brands were consumed in the 80, for example, every schoolchild had a sweater "penguin" and / or shoes "teener" to go to school. taking cola-cao "at breakfast, or a" one plus one. "

As technology products, the color TV changed how fun they had the Chilean television now are more flashy and entertaining as you could see colors and details in each of the program, from the news to entertainment programs like "Sabado Gigante", "Music Video tape" beauty contests where they met the first Chilean Miss Universe, you could see the "Festival de Viña" among others.

This fun casual games also had the time, where they met children and adolescents fura of its passages and avenues to enjoy games like "Tombo", "The hidden" the "Pinch", a the "brown ones", to "panty" in summer time is met "mangueriarce" hallucinated men play "Atari" in the Independence Day period was played with the kite, the spin, the ball, among others, but generally enjoyed healthy and group play.

tube influential fashion at this time he was linked with music, were made famous sneakers, blue jeans, plaid shirts, the windbreaker, leather jackets, glasses and accessories among others. And the music was always the forerunner of fashion. Famous

groups are remembered from this era, such as prisoners, or those who came across the mountains and Soda Stereo to name few. Of the soloists Fernando Ubiergo, Gervasio, Madonna, Michael Jackson, among others. Which were heard in the "Personal Stereo" and bought "Cassette" to listen to their idols.

films of the era could be seen on VHS, which were reproduced in the "Video", leasing releases the seventh art in the "Video Club" of neighborhoods.

Among many things, the eighties was only the beginning to get where we are today.

currently school as in the eighties using a brand for their uniforms, either in the shoe they use, or sweater with brands such as Maui, Doo, among others.

neighborhood games were replaced by technology, and social networks on the Web, thanks to the Internet, computers and technological devices.

Even continue together in homes, but now is to play PlayStation or Nintendo Wii, and buy pirated movies, are downloaded from the Internet onto a CD and play on a DVD.

But music is still in force, either with current singers cover, or listening to groups that back in the technological devices called MP3, MP4, Ipod, where the music is downloaded from the Web and is stored for playback devices.

Very comfortable, fast and technology is our time, but the eighties would not change, because in those years formed the path to become what we are today.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

What Kind Of Blue Is Royal Blue


Sometimes, the Norns were named Vala or prophetess, and who had the power of divination, a power that is regarded with great veneration in the northern races, who believed he was restricted to women. The predictions were never questioned and Vala said that the Roman general Drusus was so terrified by the appearance of Veleda, one of the prophetess, who warned him to cross the Elbe, which ended up ordering the withdrawal. She foreshadowed his approaching death, which actually happened shortly after a fall from his horse.
These prophetess, which was also known as IDIS Hagedises dises or officiated in forest shrines and sacred groves, and always accompanied the invading armies. Topping or mixed with the army, strongly led the warriors to victory and when the battle was over, cut the eagle often bloody bodies of prisoners. The blood was collected in large buckets, where the dises dipped their bare arms to the shoulders, before joining the frenetic dance that concluded the ceremony.
No wonder that these women were much feared. Sacrifices were offered to them were right and was only in later times when they were demoted to the rank of witches and sent to join the crowds demons in Brocken (Germany), or Blocksberg Valpurgisnacht (valpurgis night).
addition to the Norns or designed, which were also considered protective deities, the Norse allotted to each man a guardian spirit called Fylgia, who attended him for life, or with human or animal form and remained invisible except in the time of death, except for the few initiates.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Install Manhattan Mini Cam

Heimdall, the watchman doomsday

Heimdall is the loneliest of the gods. From the towers of his palace Himinbiorg, located on the top edge of the universe, on Bifrost, the wobbly bridge leading to Asgard, watching that no frost giant crossing him. This is tedious work, but Heimdall was born specially equipped to carry out: sleep less than a bird, you can hear the grass grow and see a hundred miles, characteristics of the perfect watch.
His birth was miraculous in the extreme. It is said that the nine maidens of the Waves, the daughters of Aegir, the god of the oceans, conceived simultaneously. For this Odin joined during a time in which this had fallen to Midgard and walking along the seashore. According to other versions, in its genesis not even have involved male contribution.
Heimdall is characterized by kindness and wisdom. Other gods seek his advice whenever a problematic situation occurs, for example, when the giant Thrym stole Thor's hammer and asked instead to Freyja. According to the "Song of Rig" of the Elder Edda, Heimdall would be also the founder of the three estates of Viking society: slaves, free men and aristocrats.
is therefore a god of order, operator of a human and divine guardian of order. So no surprise that several myths have as an antagonist to Loki, the god of chaos. Both fought for the necklace of Freyja, and who will capture Loki Heimdall after it caused the death of Balder, the most beloved of the sons of Odin. This enmity
Loki, the poets sometimes called Enemy of Loki. He also received the nickname "Son of Nine Mothers, Guardian of the Gods, As White, Seeker of Freyja's Necklace, The Teeth of Gold and Gulltop owner, this for his steed Gulltop (" Golden Mane "). It also has a sword named head, but its object Giallarhorn feature is the horn, which sounds to give the alarm. His mighty roar shakes the air, where one of the enemies of Asgard walks over the rainbow sacred.
But there will be a distant time in which Giallarhorn ring out last time, because even the gods will come an end. As prophesied guess, when completed by the Nalfgar, the longship that was built in Hel with the claws of the dead, the forces of chaos, led by Loki, the Bifrost fractions to cross its path. The Gjallarhorn resonate so strongly then that will be heard in the new world called the gods to the last fight.
After this final showdown, the world and the gods reborn survivors take the place of the fallen. But among those, if we listen to Snorri Sturlusson not find Heimdall. He and Loki will kill each other during the battle.

Monday, September 27, 2010

How To Use Neutrogena Deep Face Wash

Freyja (Freya) is the goddess of blue eyes and blond hair of beauty, love, lust and sexuality, is the Nordic venus (Vanadis)
in the Eddas is said that Freya is the wife of ROD (Od) (Odin), and crying red tears when the Od left alone. Many think that Freya and Frigg were nearly two versions of the same goddess. Frigg was the wife "official" Odin, Balder was born of their union. But I believe that both were wives of Odin. Od, is one of the names of Odin, and this also left alone for long to Frigg, I think it is clear that Odin and Od are the same person, and Frigg and Freya, which would be the wife and the mistress of Odin, or were the two wives.
Often it is mounted in a chariot drawn by two large cats. She is the daughter of Niord and Nerthus and twin sister of Frey, and both are "stewards of light." It is responsible for distributing the rains, and is capable of flying in a cloud of feathers of a hawk. Freya was also the head of the Valkyries, with which shipped through to his palace in the middle of the warriors killed in combat. He had his residence in Asgard, the palace in the areas Sessrymnir Folkwang. Was entitled to choose half of the souls of those killed in combat, she received them as a Valkyrie, in his palace. There the dead were served by their faithful wives and women who died before marriage. Thus, not all were dead warriors to Vallhall Odin, were others who were with Freya. (Ultimate destination) ...
had many followers among women. It is known that some accompanied their husbands into battle, died when they killed their men, or were thrown on the funeral piles of their husbands. They believed that if they died together would also together until the joyous home of Freya and be together forever. Freya is the personification of the earth. You can give and take. Is fruitful and receptive. When you wish you can take the form of a bird (the cloud of hawk feathers.) The Cat and the swallow are two animals that were sacred. Because it is so beautiful, Freya was often pursued by suitors especially giants. When shown dressed only in his collar, no man can resist their charms. Also called Mardöll light (sea), Gersimi (gem) and Menglödh ("happy with her necklace.") Freya called "Hnoss" his daughter, which means jewel.

What Is The Meaning Of The Green Shag Band


Traveling Svartalfheim, the area of \u200b\u200bthe dark elves, Freya was found with four brothers. Were dwarfs, people of short stature and malformed from hollow earth (Dvalin, Alfrik, Berling and Grero). The dwarves were goldsmiths and were busy forging a beautiful necklace, the Brísingamen. As Freya's eyes fell upon the product of their skillful hands dark He immediately fell in love and swore to possess the necklace whatever their price.
The dwarves, as they had agreed with her, just finished the collar present it to the greedy Freya. With sore eyes in the bright sunlight, the older brother gives him the necklace and gives it to know its price. The Brísingamen be yours as a gift, if you spend a night with each of the four brothers. She must decide: Will it be faithful to her husband Odin or accept the gift he desires? Freya
finally accepted the deal and was discovered by a raven, sent by Loki, who finished counting infidelity Odin.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

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is the god of war and patron of justice. His weapon, a spear, also represents justice. Originally, it was the most important god among the Germans, but was eventually overshadowed by Odin, who became his father (although another version says that he is the son of the giant Hymir). It is the bravest of the gods. When Fenris, the wolf son of Loki, the gods grew too much and feared to be made uncontrollable decided chained, so they said it would not be able to free itself bound him. Fenrir accepted the challenge and, unfortunately for the gods, able to break their bonds. After that, the gods ordered the dwarves make a string magic Gleipnir, a great strength despite its thinness. Fenris was again challenged, but distrust of the gods to see that the chain seemed very weak, and this time only binding if a god let put his hand inside his jaw. Tyr was the only one who was ready, and when he saw Fenris could not free himself, he pulled his hand. Despite this, Tyr fed and cared for the wolf in chains, it again was the only one who dared to do so. In the battle of Ragnarok, Tyr will kill Garm, the watchdog of the kingdom of the dead, but will die from the wounds inflicted.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Iphone Kates Playground


For the ancient Norse, the universe was divided into nine do worlds, face cterizados by its inhabitants.

Asgard is the world of the Aesir (Æsir), the prin cip the reason for god órdicos sn. Is difficult to access because its walls and is connected to Midgard (the realm of men) by Bifrost (also called Asbru), the rainbow bridge, guarded by the god Heimdall. Each god has a different house in Asgard, the best known is Valhalla, the abode of Odin. The heroes killed in combat are carried by the Valkyries to Valhalla. A faster way to go to Valhalla is hanging, as did Odin.

Vanaheim is the world Vanes (Vanir), another race of gods s Nordic performing functions usually fertility. The Vans were faced with the As it is, but eventually reconciled and come to live.

Alfheim is the world of the elves of light, chaired by the god Freyr . The elves have relevance in the Nordic legends.

Midgard is the world of men. Midgard was created by the Norse gods to defend mankind from the giants.

Nidavellir is the kingdom of the dwarves. Some dwarves of mythology Nordic are Brokk and Eitri, who made the golden Ali jab to Freyr and Mjollnir, Thor's hammer. Another dwarf Alberich is a king who guarded treasures and stars in the legend of the Ring of the Nibelungs, dwarf race to which he belonged.

Jotunheim is the land of the giants. The giants are usually enemies of the gods, but also had children with them. Thrym is governed by the king of the ice giants. In Jotunheim, where he also living giants of rock, is the stronghold of Utgard.

Svartalfheim is the kingdom of the dark elves. They have a great role and are often confused with the dwarves.

Niflheim is the world of the dead. Ruled by Hel, the monstrous daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda, is a melancholy kingdom is attended by men who have not had a glorious death. The belief that when the Ragnarok, the battle doomsday, Loki and the giants arrive in a boat built with the fingernails of the dead from Hel created the habit of cutting the nails of the dead to delay these events.

Muspellheim is the world of the fire giants, enemies of the gods. It is a realm full of fire located south the world. It is governed by Surt, the king of the fire giants.

Yggdrasil is the "World Tree" in mythology n órdica, uniting all the kingdoms. Under its three estate s are Asgard, Jotunheim and Niflheim. At the base of Yggdrasil three wells: the Well of Wisdom, guarded by the giant Mimir (Mímisbrunnr), the Well of Fate (Urdarbrunnr), also known as the Well of Urd, guarded by the Norns, goddesses of fate, and Hvergelmir, where many rivers are born. The dragon / snake bites Nidhogg roots together other snakes, to destroy the tree. Yggdrasil also live in other beings, such as c F our deer representing the four winds, and the rooster squirrel Ratatosk Vidofnir.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Image Need For Speed Most Wanted

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thank You For Sharing With Us Baptism

the ten best songs of The Beatles as Rolling Stone

NEW YORK .- The Rolling Stone magazine first produced a list of 100 greatest songs of The Beatles and the 1967 theme "A Day in the Life ", written by John Lennon, topped the list released Wednesday.

In second place was the 1963 hit single "I Want to Hold Your Hand" followed by "Strawberry Fields Forever", he remembered Lennon's nostalgia for his childhood in the British port of Liverpool.

The list was published as part of a special collector's edition entitled "The Beatles: 100 Greatest Songs" to coincide with the anniversary of 40 years out of the twelfth and final studio album from the "Fab Four", " Let It Be. "

"Lennon, McCartney and Harrison had incredibly high standards as songwriters," said the musician Elvis Costello in the introduction to the list of Rolling Stone.

"Then they began to really grow: simple melodies of love adult stories and ideas (...) larger than one would expect to find in verses catchy pop music, "he added.

" Yesterday ", the theme McCartney performed in 1965 and that during its composition was the title of "Scrambled Eggs", was fourth, while "In My Life", which is included on the album "Rubber Soul", was fifth.

"A Day in the Life "stories in the newspaper

Close extraordinary drive serial Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, where Lennon starts her story from the fatal accident suffered by the young aristocrat and wild character of Swingin 'London Tara Browne: "I read the news today (...) It blew his mind out in a car / did not realize that the lights had changed." The song builds on this and other articles and combine like never before, the British rock band and orchestral crescendos and the voices of Lennon and McCartney alternating vocal sections.

"I Want to Hold Your Hand": teenage love

was the fourth single in the early days of Beatlemania and with it the group had similar success in England and the United States in 1963. It's a powerful song in terms of rhythm and harmony vocals, played in unison by Lennon and McCartney. Commonly used to differentiate between a correct position Beatles, who sang "I want to hold your hand" and a challenging Rolling Stones, the same year said "I want to make love."

"Strawberry Fields Forever": nothing is real

again the hand of John Lennon is imposed for cryptic poetry and return to the roots of Liverpool, like all the same album Sargeant Pepper ... 1967. It was a pre-album single, but set the direction of the new psychedelic music of the Beatles that year, which also included provincial imagery in northern England. Inspired by the Salvation Army home Beaconsfield Road, Woolton, Liverpool, near where Lennon lived as a child. Beatle musically sums up the spirit with rock band, orchestra, music from India and sonic experimentation in the studio.

"Yesterday": scrambled eggs

The melancholy ballad of 1965 has two outstanding features. One is the world record for different versions that were published (the figure speaks more than two thousand) and the other is the title which was originally to have this piece: "Scrambled Eggs." Thankfully, Paul McCartney, the author and who had written in the house of his girlfriend, actress Jane Asher, altered the title to "Yesterday." Paul is against the acoustic guitar accompanied only by a chamber string ensemble arrangements with producer George Martin.

"In My Life": friends and lovers

1965 and also written by John Lennon for the album Rubber Soul, is considered the first hymn of the Beatles, for his emotionally charged, existentialist and autobiographical at a time. Have a dedicated line to his friend, the art student in Liverpool and the Beatles' first bassist, Stuart Sutcliffe, who died in Hamburg in 1962: "Some friends have died and some are living / In my life I've loved them all" .

"Something" the blonde weakness

Frank Sinatra, authority Romantic music for fifty years, chose as the greatest love song of all time. Of course, the repository of this piece of George Harrison, published in 1969 in Abbey Road album was the model Patti Boyd, girlfriend and later wife of Beatle since 1964, but left him to flee with Eric Clapton: "Something in the way moving / I'm drawn like no other lover (...) Somewhere in her smile she knows / I do not need another lover. "

"Hey Jude": Take a sad song and make it better

Run 1968 and Paul McCartney has taken over and the musical direction of the Beatles, as Lennon and is more interested in his life with Yoko Ono and feels increasingly isolated from the figure of "pop star" which he held since 1962. McCartney wrote these lines inspired by John's son, Julian Lennon. In fact its title has evolved from "Hey Jules" to "Hey Jude" and was written to comfort the child after separation from his father and his mother Cynthia Powell. It is one of the largest and melodic and great four-minute coda sung in chorus always foolproof.

"Let It Be": the mother is always wise

Another Paul. If "In My Life" by John Lennon, was the first Beatles song, then "Let it Be" opens in 1970, trilogy after "All you need is love" (1967). Simply, "Let it be." Le given the title of the latest album released by the group, Let it Be, thus connecting the solo careers of Lennon, Harrison and McCartney himself. As has Paul, wrote the song after a dream in which appeared his mother, Mary, died when he was only fourteen years: "When I am in trouble / Mother Mary comes to me / Speaking wisely," let it be. "

"Come Together": now, now

The inaugural issue of the extraordinary 1969 album Abbey Road, has one of the hippest songs of the Beatles, with its author, John Lennon, turned into a hairy, bearded musician poet, lover Yoko Ono wildly and always willing to try new substances. "Come together" was originally commissioned for the campaign of outrageous government university professor Timothy Leary in California against Ronald Reagan, but could not be used as the candidate ended up in prison for possession of marijuana.

"While My Guitar Gently Weeps" Clapton is god Eric Clapton

When running alone, one can see how is the cry of a guitar. The musician, then best friend George Harrison, was invited to the studio to work in this dramatic piece belonging to the lead guitarist of the Beatles. The literal translation is: "While my guitar weeps gently. "appeared on the single disc double extension of the Beatles, titled The Beatles (1968), but known as The White Album, for his perfect white cover. Like the song.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ankle Hurting Driving

Friday, May 21, 2010

Difference Between Lease And License Agreement

Lucybell-Ave Fenix-

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Milena Velba Be Ready

Claudio Valenzuela "Favorite Lie"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Can You Get Hsv1 From A Dog

Valiente! (Original Clip!)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Driver Lg Ge20nu10 Por Mac

The Mills ... Open Fire. Because I love you,

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Berlin Wood Board Komplett

Monday, March 1, 2010

List Of Ftse 250 Companies

Earthquake in Chile: Learn how you can help your

Our country has been hit by a 8.8 magnitude earthquake leaving human and material damage of epic proportions.

-Red Cross Current Account No.: 362883 State Bank name: Chilean Red Cross, Caritas
Chile: Current Account No. : 0-082-18 -00,080-1 Banco Santander RUT: 70020800-1. Information: culloa@caritaschile.org
"A Roof for Chile: Donations by electronic transfer to the account of Banco Santander 399409-0 Foundation name Un Techo para Chile, Ruth, 65533130-1, or stop the Santnder Bank account 2010.
-Hogar de Cristo: Donations to the BBVA Bank account No. 0036-0100586041 on behalf of the Hogar de Cristo RUT 81496800-6.
-Exterior: Donations will be channeled through UNICEF and Direct Relief International. You can donate at the following site: http://www.google.com/relief/chileearthquake/ . It can also be donated through Citibank Current Account No. 9941973331, ABA Code: 021000089, Address: 153 East 53 Street Rd 4th floor. New York, NY 10022.
-USA: Donations text message. Please Share! Send an SMS with text "CHILE" to 20222 to 25383 to donate or U.S. 10 to Habitat for Humanity or World Vision.


nonperishable foods are needed (rice, sugar, oil ...), liquids (bottled water, milk), hygiene products (toothbrushes, wet wipes, diapers), warm clothing and footwear in good condition. In some places also received blankets, mattresses, sleeping bags and medicines do not expire. Please check what is received at each location as not all accept all the premises.
Iglesias - National: be received only non-perishable food (Rice, noodles, powdered milk, oil), no clothing or medicine, in all parishes of the country from 12 hrs. To find the nearest http://www.iglesia.cl/parroquias/index.php.
-Hogar de Cristo - National: They ask for blankets, diapers, powdered milk and canned goods. Starting tomorrow, Monday, 1 at 12:00 hrs. can be left in all venues of the Hogar de Cristo in the country and Santiago are received at the Colegio San Ignacio El Bosque (Pocuro 2801, Providence) and the Home of Christ located in General Velásquez.
-Red Cross Receives nonperishable food, water, diapers and clothing at her store in Seminar 973, Providencia.
-DATE - Santiago: The Student Federation of the University of Chile (FECH), will be receiving non-perishable food, winter clothing and footwear, personal hygiene items, mattresses and bedding. These will then be referred to the Red Cross or directly to those affected. Journalist José Carrasco Tapia No. 9, near the Plaza Italia.
-SOS PUC - Santiago: The Federation PUC Students receive non-perishable food, hygiene products and diapers, clothing and bottled water at its campuses in San Joaquin and The Accountant from 1 March to Friday 5, from 09:00 to 21:00 hrs.
-UDD - Santiago, Oriente: Collection of clothing, blankets, shoes and nonperishable food at the University of Development of San Carlos de Apoquindo (Avenida La Plaza 680, Las Condes.) The aid will be received from 1 to March 5 from 10 am to 8 pm.
-City of Vitacura: Bicentennial Avenue 3800. You receive non-perishable food, diapers, powdered milk, medicines, warm clothes, blankets and mattresses as well as construction materials, flashlights and batteries.
-Group "Llico Help" - Santiago, East: A group of university being organized by a collection of species Facebook to deliver in the field of Llico, Duao Iloca and affected by a huge Tsunami.
. Receive species from 10 am in Virgo 1732, Vitacura (compared to Bar Dublin) and at 8 am at the lighthouse Apumanque at 20 pm in a white jeep. Review While the group about changes.
-Greenpeace - Santiago: Help go to Isla Juan Fernandez. Bring non-perishable food and clothing to Elias de la Cruz 18, Providencia. Party today, Monday 1 to 17 hrs and the ship departs on Wednesday.
-Iquique, Iquique The municipality is being assisted in the Old Estádio against Avenida Cavancha Prat and receive diapers, milk, canned goods, liquid (water and milk), and blankets. For more information call 057514736.
-La Serena: On Monday, March 1 from 11 hours in Buenos Aires plaza will be collecting food and clothing. We do not know what time will the sooner the better. (Info received from a reader, please confirm).
-Copiapo: Carry 1 contributions on Monday from 16:00 am to Chacabuco 780 (between Prince and Portals).
-5th region species will be received on Monday, March 1 with since 9 am at the Headquarters of the PUCV. Receive diapers, blankets, food, art. WC, etc.!.
- Puerto Montt: will be milk, water and diapers .. must go to leave the school 6 (School Spain) from March 1 on Monday. On Wednesday will be carried in a Hercules aircraft from the Air Force to Concepcion.
-Exterior: For help from outside Chile, please consult the embassy or consulate of Chile in your country. Addresses and contact details in: http://www.embajada-online.com/Chile-P36.htm or http://chileabroad.gov.cl .
-Argentina: are receiving medications, diapers, blankets and bottled water to send to Chile. Fever reducers are needed, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics. Will be received on days 1, 2 and 3 March 1910 to 18 hrs, in the parish of St. Thomas More (Urquiza 1460 - Vicente López, Buenos Aires). Contact and info: redsolidaria@fibertel.com.ar and phone 011 4791 5184.


volunteer meetings A Roof for Chile appear to be open (no need to be registered UTPCH before). According to responses from the institution on Facebook, "Everyone can go" . Clothing is recommended for field work and gloves, are assigned different tasks may include debris removal, help with traffic lights, making cadastres WITHIN of the city. Not yet come out to other areas. We're not sure if they can be children. For more information about these volunteer activities call 562-838 73 10. Notified when reconstruction activities are defined below, is not yet scheduled.
"A Roof for Chile - National: 1 Today Monday volunteer meetings were held in Santiago, Valparaiso, Rancagua and Concepcion (they were published here.) The volunteers were sent to different places to work. UTPCH reported no further meetings tomorrow, when alert, we will publish. Can register as volunteers and the phones www.untechoparachile.cl: 8387360 / 8387304 / 8387355. We must be patient, the system is very collapsed. Foundation Helps
Roses - Santiago: A group is coordinating visits to 40 households of grandparents who need help. More information please contact the cel. Muevetechile@muevetechile.org 95330170 or mail. Non-perishable food can be delivered in Rivera 2005, Independencia.
-Facebook Group coordinates Chile Top output Santiago to Curico or other areas as may be necessary on Friday 5 March. Http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=336459906763
USACH -Federation - Santiago: student organization meeting for Monday 1 at 11 am in the federation.
-Date - Santiago: Who wants to volunteer should send their data to ayuda@fech.cl or call 9771932. We could not confirm, but apparently volunteers will gather outside the office tomorrow, Monday at 15 hrs.
-UDD - Santiago, Oriente: are conducting a clothing and blankets from 1 to March 5, 1910 am to 8 pm. All volunteer help is welcome. Development University of San Carlos de Apoquindo (Avenida La Plaza 680, Las Condes.)
-Red Cross The Red Cross denied the alleged volunteer meeting tomorrow, which fortunately did not manage to publish :) . They say that if they are accepting entries by email (juventud@cruzroja.cl and seniors over 26, desarrollo@cruzroja.cl) to assess whether or not they are called, but it is not safe because they are unable to mobilize volunteers unskilled.

-Health: The Ministry of Health is seeking volunteers AREA HEALTH (professionals, technicians and students. Ask for information about the number 600 360 77 77. The following site can register http:// spreadsheets.google.com / viewform? formkey = dE0xY096ZnhUaGtTM3RFTG5VMDR1b0E6MA (link given by A Roof for Chile on your Twitter account is legitimate). Also, the school Nurses called her colleagues write comunicaciones@colegiodeenfermeras.cl.
-Psychologists: Too necessary. The portal e-psicologia.cl being recruited to help earthquake victims. Http://e-psicologia.cl psychologists are received within the city or who can relocate. If anyone can write a guide avíctimas psychological help to the earthquake, the post happy. Please send it via email.
-Engineers: Engineers CALCULISTAS volunteers are needed, contact the Department of Architecture of the MOP (29 Morandé floor 9-4493624). If an engineer can develop a roadmap to evaluate damage to houses (which losses are normal and which are dangerous to know if the house is not safe and need for help), please send todosporunmundomejor@gmail.com.
-Lawyers: do not know if they are asking for help with insurance claims or other issues. If anyone knows anything please advise.

-The Ministry of Health (Ministry) has called on people to donate blood, to cope with the large number of people injured. The emphasis is on blood donors 0 RH negative, very low.
-Valparaiso: Valparaiso Blood Center, Las Cuevas Rising 965 Litre, Valparaiso.
-San Fernando: Blood Bank, Hospital de San Fernando Negrete 1401
-Talca: Center for Therapeutic Diagnostic, located next to Regional Hospital of Talca
-Puerto Montt: Escuela N º 6, Puerto Montt, off the Square weapons.
-Region Metropolitana, Metropolitan Blood Center, Avda Vitacura (Ex Military Hospital) and the Central Emergency Clinic (125 Portugal, Metro Catholic U.). At 14 pm we were informed that had collapsed, with long waiting times.
"Some requirements for donating blood: 18 to 65 years - have not had hepatitis, or have AIDS or diabetes - not to have kidney disease, lung or heart - Weighing more than 50 kilos - Not have donated less than 3 months - do not use drugs - Having sexual partner.
donate blood for those who want to attend these points from 09:00 to 17:00 Hrs. In other cities can donate blood banks of the respective hospitals.

"People who live in areas affected and who are well, please check the internet forums, where thousands of people ask family and friends missing. Could help in the search, making lists and going to mass shelters to ask, registering and checking people are listed as missing in google ( http://chilepersonfinder.appspot.com/?lang=es ), or going to the addresses of houses that give people in their ads. An example of this: http://sibekay.tumblr.com/page/1 . Good initiative! If you could copy it would be amazing.
"It would be good idea that someone could program a system missing in google maps or google earth to find out to whom they can place around us.
"Another very simple option is to release its wifi and those who have no available phone can connect with their families.
This type of support is very important. Actually, there should be no worse than the uncertainty of not knowing if your loved ones are fine.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lady Mennen Crystal Clean

Earthquake in Chile February 27, 2010

The Chile earthquake of 2010 was a strong earthquake in the region of Bio Bio at 6:34:17 (UTC ) 3:34:17 local time 27 February 2010 of , with a magnitude of 8.8 M W , resulting in tsunami alert for coastal Peru, Chile , Ecuador , and Hawaii being the second strongest earthquake in twenty years, after that of Sumatra in 2004 and much stronger than the earthquake a month earlier in Haiti .

The epicenter happened at the expense of the Bio Bio Region , about 90 miles northwest of Concepción, Chile . and 59 kilometers beneath the earth's crust The quake occurred at 3:34 AM local time, and Santiago was rocked by more than two and a half minutes as reported.

There initially a tsunami warning for Chile and Peru . The warning was later extended to Ecuador, Colombia, Antarctica, Panama and Costa Rica, and subsequently, to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. You can expect a tsunami off the coast of Hawaii around of 11:05 am (UTC-10 ) not happened yet was expected and was canceled tsunami warning after only reached the shores of Hawaii with a meter in height.

The earthquake was the 5 th largest in the history measured by seismographs, scoring 8.8 magnitude richter . Damage

Large cities were the hardest hit Concepción, Curico , Talca y Rengo . La primera de ellas quedó aislada debido a la destrucción de las principales arterias viales de acceso, y al desprendimiento de una brecha del Puente Llacolén . Adicionalmente, el Puente Viejo quedó completamente destruido. Por su parte, las ciudades de Curicó , Talca , así como la mayor parte de las ciudades y pueblos aledaños ( VII y VIII Regiones en general), sufrieron devastadores daños estructurales debido a que las antiguas y centenarias edificaciones de adobe no habían sufrido mayor daño en los anteriores terremotos de Valdivia en 1960 and Santiago in 1985 because of its distance. In Santiago

buildings shook and some collapsed. Was closed Route 68 which connects the city of Valparaiso to Santiago for fear of collapse. The magnitude 8.8 earthquake caused the collapse of the telephone lines, so it was difficult to confirm the damage, along with a blackout around the Central Interconnected System (from the III X Regions). Therefore, Internet servers located in Santiago and the affected cities stopped work temporarily. Center The Pacific Tsunami Warning West Coast United States said it hoped for a tsunami in the Pacific U.S. or Canada , but would continue reviewing the situation.

The president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet , also said people in the Juan Fernandez archipelago, located in the Pacific Ocean , reported that a large wave came ashore leaving 5 people dead and 11 missing. A similar situation occurred in the resort of Ilocos and the port of Talcahuano , where a tidal wave was introduced to the historic port city's downtown, few minutes after the earthquake.

international reactions

  • Argentina: Argentina's president , Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner , contacted President Bachelet and offered "all necessary assistance" according to state news agency Telam.
  • Belarus : Sympathy for the many victims of earthquakes in Chile, said Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko . He expressed his condolences to the leaders of this country and the families of the victims.
  • Bolivia: Bolivia's president , Evo Morales said Saturday that Bolivia will share "what little they have" with the Chileans after the devastating earthquake that left more than 700 dead early this morning in the Andean country. "At the time of mourning, suffering, with many victims, to express our solidarity with the Chilean people, reiterating the willingness "to help Bolivia, Morales said.
  • Colombia: President Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez , said that cooperation and rescue systems are available Colombians aid that may require the authorities of the brotherly people of Chile, and the Colombian government expresses its solidarity with the people and government of Chile by earthquake occurred in that country on the morning of Saturday 27 February. the same thus extends its condolences to the families and friends of those who lost their lives in this horrible act.
  • Ecuador: The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa , expressed solidarity with the Chilean people and offered unconditional support.
  • United States: President of the United States , Barack Obama, spoke to President Michelle Bachelet and "urged coastal residents to follow the American West instructions of local authorities and evacuate coastal areas. "
  • France: French President , Nicolas Sarkozy sent his condolences to the Chilean Government and expressed solidarity with the people of that country.
  • Mexico: President Mexico, Felipe Calderón via Twitter expressed his solidarity and condolences to the government and people of Chile.
  • UN: The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon has offered his "condolences to those who have lost family members and friends," according to a statement from his spokesman.
  • Peru : "We extend our solidarity in this moment of grief and we are in government service and the Chilean people for what this country needs us," , said the president of Peru Alan Garcia also decreed a national holiday in the country.
  • Uruguay: Uruguayan President Vázquez solidarity with the sister Republic of Chile "and the families of victims through a statement from the Foreign Ministry .

Last Minute: Up to now, reports that more than 708 deaths in the country. (28/02/2010 16:00 Hrs Chile)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Leather Couch Rip Seam Repair Tape

For the Engineers ...

begin my fourth year running and for people who are studying engineering and who knows or has friends in some engineering:

is not no lie ... much less exaggerated ...

* You no longer feel sorry for drooling in class.

* know sleeping with open eyes.

* Coffee and coke are tools, never whims.

* hear the National Anthem two times on the radio, without leaving your chair.

* You've slept more than 20 hours on a weekend.

* You nodded in the bathroom.

* Your brother (s) believed to be son (a) only (a).

* You've heard all your discs in less than 48 hours.

* Not seen in public without dark circles.

* Not seen in public without sunglasses.

* When you receive an invitation, is followed by the question or have too much homework? '.

* lose the keys to your house for a week and do not realize.

* start to skip classes ... lunch and dinner.

* you wash your teeth and hair in the bathroom of the school.

* You have discovered the benefits of raparte or bring the tiny hair.

* hate people who says "I would study engineering ..." and I'll say it lightly, but have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe headaches that brings you the career, or worse, those who never finished the race and believe that so and engineers.

* For the first time since the onset of puberty leave your contact lenses and wear your bottoms of bottles.

* You are an ace at the time of the search for programs on the Internet and / or pages of suppliers or any type of information to work and case design. * You

final papers that are written on the night before the deadline.

* Merge breakfast, lunch and dinner at a big dinner.

* not conceive the holiday as nothing but time to sleep.

* You've gotten drunk with your teachers.

* Constantly create excuses to explain to your teachers of non-career, why did not you do the job.

* Someone once told you "lazy" and wanted to kill him.

* Your nightmares consist of not finishing something or get somewhere on time.

* You can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if it breaks your computer, or internet ....... TOTAL CHAOS! * You can use

Excel, Graphical or any program to perform calculations and / or graphics.

* To your parents are afraid to use words like "you finished" in front of you.

* You get excited if your data were beautiful in the graph.

* Shopping likely expensive books at home, only you understand.

* Tired of people telling you "I was going to be an engineer but I do not like math."

* Your natural archrival becomes a professional: Degree in anything ...

* There is no better place to sleep, two seats together and a backpack as a pillow.

* You have the mark of modernity: a callus on the bottom of the palm by the constant use of the mouse.
your poor
* A computer that no longer fit more programs or more PDF's.

* s got the ability to sleep in any media whether keyboards, backpacks, your peers, soil, food, etc..

* Thousands of times have you been in a sunrise, but never saw one.

* You stop seeing other human beings for you for months but has only been one day.

* Your dog barks and you do not recognize you because you lived outside your home for a few days or was it weeks?

* Always have the silly idea that your work will eventually be recognized.

* For you no difference between summer and normal.

* your new nephew is born and you say "little, my sister was pregnant?".

* Your car is no longer a means of transport and storage becomes your bed, closet ... your faithful companion. jejejejeje
* -----
home serves as a hotel, just get to bathe and sleep (occasionally). * Your friends

studying otherwise not have the same concept of task that you, always say "Oh because you do before class" or "Well, ask someone" or worse "Well do not."

* hate your parents tell you "I go to sleep!" or "IF you're not going to end it and go ... to sleep "or even the simple question" Would you be long? "may irritate you.

* When you have discovered the danger of going behind the wheel after 48 hours without sleep.

So if you have a friend, friend , cousin, cousin, girlfriend, brother, sister, lover ... to study engineering, you know that is never home and why, when, always asleep ..