Earthquake in Chile: Learn how you can help your Our country has been hit by a 8.8 magnitude earthquake leaving human and material damage of epic proportions.
MONEY DONATIONS: -Red Cross Current Account No.: 362883 State Bank name: Chilean Red Cross, Caritas
Chile: Current Account No. : 0-082-18 -00,080-1 Banco Santander RUT: 70020800-1. Information:
"A Roof for Chile: Donations by electronic transfer to the account of Banco Santander 399409-0 Foundation name Un Techo para Chile, Ruth, 65533130-1, or stop the Santnder Bank account 2010.
-Hogar de Cristo: Donations to the BBVA Bank account No. 0036-0100586041 on behalf of the Hogar de Cristo RUT 81496800-6.
-Exterior: Donations will be channeled through UNICEF and Direct Relief International. You can donate at the following site: . It can also be donated through Citibank Current Account No. 9941973331, ABA Code: 021000089, Address: 153 East 53 Street Rd 4th floor. New York, NY 10022.
-USA: Donations text message. Please Share! Send an SMS with text "CHILE" to 20222 to 25383 to donate or U.S. 10 to Habitat for Humanity or World Vision.
DONATIONS IN KIND: nonperishable foods are needed (rice, sugar, oil ...), liquids (bottled water, milk), hygiene products (toothbrushes, wet wipes, diapers), warm clothing and footwear in good condition. In some places also received blankets, mattresses, sleeping bags and medicines do not expire. Please check what is received at each location as not all accept all the premises.
Iglesias - National: be received only non-perishable food (Rice, noodles, powdered milk, oil), no clothing or medicine, in all parishes of the country from 12 hrs. To find the nearest
-Hogar de Cristo - National: They ask for blankets, diapers, powdered milk and canned goods. Starting tomorrow, Monday, 1 at 12:00 hrs. can be left in all venues of the Hogar de Cristo in the country and Santiago are received at the Colegio San Ignacio El Bosque (Pocuro 2801, Providence) and the Home of Christ located in General Velásquez.
-Red Cross Receives nonperishable food, water, diapers and clothing at her store in Seminar 973, Providencia.
-DATE - Santiago: The Student Federation of the University of Chile (FECH), will be receiving non-perishable food, winter clothing and footwear, personal hygiene items, mattresses and bedding. These will then be referred to the Red Cross or directly to those affected. Journalist José Carrasco Tapia No. 9, near the Plaza Italia.
PUC - Santiago: The
Federation PUC Students receive non-perishable food, hygiene products and diapers, clothing and bottled water at its campuses in San Joaquin and The Accountant from 1 March to Friday 5, from 09:00 to 21:00 hrs.
-UDD - Santiago, Oriente: Collection of clothing, blankets, shoes and nonperishable food at the University of Development of San Carlos de Apoquindo (Avenida La Plaza 680, Las Condes.) The aid will be received from 1 to March 5 from 10 am to 8 pm.
-City of Vitacura: Bicentennial Avenue 3800. You receive non-perishable food, diapers, powdered milk, medicines, warm clothes, blankets and mattresses as well as construction materials, flashlights and batteries.
-Group "Llico Help" - Santiago, East: A group of university being organized by a collection of species Facebook to deliver in the field of Llico, Duao Iloca and affected by a huge Tsunami. . Receive species from 10 am in Virgo 1732, Vitacura (compared to Bar Dublin) and at 8 am at the lighthouse Apumanque at 20 pm in a white jeep. Review While the group about changes.
-Greenpeace - Santiago: Help go to Isla Juan Fernandez. Bring non-perishable food and clothing to Elias de la Cruz 18, Providencia. Party today, Monday 1 to 17 hrs and the ship departs on Wednesday.
-Iquique, Iquique The municipality is being assisted in the Old Estádio against Avenida Cavancha Prat and receive diapers, milk, canned goods, liquid (water and milk), and blankets. For more information call 057514736.
-La Serena: On Monday, March 1 from 11 hours in Buenos Aires plaza will be collecting food and clothing. We do not know what time will the sooner the better. (Info received from a reader, please confirm).
-Copiapo: Carry 1 contributions on Monday from 16:00 am to Chacabuco 780 (between Prince and Portals).
region species will be received on Monday, March 1 with since 9 am at the Headquarters of the PUCV. Receive diapers, blankets, food, art. WC, etc.!.
Puerto Montt: will be milk, water and diapers .. must go to leave the school 6 (School Spain) from March 1 on Monday. On Wednesday will be carried in a Hercules aircraft from the Air Force to Concepcion.
-Exterior: For help from outside Chile, please consult the embassy or consulate of Chile in your country. Addresses and contact details in: or
-Argentina: are receiving medications, diapers, blankets and bottled water to send to Chile. Fever reducers are needed, anti-inflammatory and antibiotics. Will be received on days 1, 2 and 3 March 1910 to 18 hrs, in the parish of St. Thomas More (Urquiza 1460 - Vicente López, Buenos Aires). Contact and info: and phone 011 4791 5184.
VOLUNTEERING: volunteer meetings A Roof for Chile appear to be open (no need to be registered UTPCH before). According to responses from the institution on Facebook,
"Everyone can go" . Clothing is recommended for field work and gloves, are assigned different tasks may include debris removal, help with traffic lights, making cadastres WITHIN of the city. Not yet come out to other areas. We're not sure if they can be children. For more information about these volunteer activities call 562-838 73 10. Notified when reconstruction activities are defined below, is not yet scheduled.
"A Roof for Chile - National: 1 Today Monday volunteer meetings were held in Santiago, Valparaiso, Rancagua and Concepcion (they were published here.) The volunteers were sent to different places to work. UTPCH reported no further meetings tomorrow, when alert, we will publish. Can register as volunteers and the phones 8387360 / 8387304 / 8387355. We must be patient, the system is very collapsed. Foundation Helps
Roses - Santiago: A group is coordinating visits to 40 households of grandparents who need help. More information please contact the cel. 95330170 or mail. Non-perishable food can be delivered in Rivera 2005, Independencia.
-Facebook Group coordinates Chile Top output Santiago to Curico or other areas as may be necessary on Friday 5 March. Http://
-Federation - Santiago: student organization meeting for Monday 1 at 11 am in the federation.
-Date - Santiago: Who wants to volunteer should send their data to or call 9771932. We could not confirm, but apparently volunteers will gather outside the office tomorrow, Monday at 15 hrs.
-UDD - Santiago, Oriente: are conducting a clothing and blankets from 1 to March 5, 1910 am to 8 pm. All volunteer help is welcome. Development University of San Carlos de Apoquindo (Avenida La Plaza 680, Las Condes.)
-Red Cross The Red Cross denied the alleged volunteer meeting tomorrow, which fortunately did not manage to publish

. They say that if they are accepting entries by email ( and seniors over 26, to assess whether or not they are called, but it is not safe because they are unable to mobilize volunteers unskilled.
-Health: The Ministry of Health is seeking volunteers AREA HEALTH (professionals, technicians and students. Ask for information about the number 600 360 77 77. The following site can register http:// / viewform? formkey = dE0xY096ZnhUaGtTM3RFTG5VMDR1b0E6MA (link given by A Roof for Chile on your Twitter account is legitimate). Also, the school Nurses called her colleagues write
-Psychologists: Too necessary. The portal being recruited to help earthquake victims. Http:// psychologists are received within the city or who can relocate. If anyone can write a guide avíctimas psychological help to the earthquake, the post happy. Please send it via email.
-Engineers: Engineers CALCULISTAS volunteers are needed, contact the Department of Architecture of the MOP (29 Morandé floor 9-4493624). If an engineer can develop a roadmap to evaluate damage to houses (which losses are normal and which are dangerous to know if the house is not safe and need for help), please send
-Lawyers: do not know if they are asking for help with insurance claims or other issues. If anyone knows anything please advise.
-The Ministry of Health (Ministry) has called on people to donate blood, to cope with the large number of people injured. The emphasis is on blood donors 0 RH negative, very low.
-Valparaiso: Valparaiso Blood Center, Las Cuevas Rising 965 Litre, Valparaiso.
-San Fernando: Blood Bank, Hospital de San Fernando Negrete 1401
-Talca: Center for Therapeutic Diagnostic, located next to Regional Hospital of Talca
-Puerto Montt: Escuela N º 6, Puerto Montt, off the Square weapons.
-Region Metropolitana, Metropolitan Blood Center, Avda Vitacura (Ex Military Hospital) and the Central Emergency Clinic (125 Portugal, Metro Catholic U.). At 14 pm we were informed that had collapsed, with long waiting times.
"Some requirements for donating blood: 18 to 65 years - have not had hepatitis, or have AIDS or diabetes - not to have kidney disease, lung or heart - Weighing more than 50 kilos - Not have donated less than 3 months - do not use drugs - Having sexual partner.
donate blood for those who want to attend these points from 09:00 to 17:00 Hrs. In other cities can donate blood banks of the respective hospitals.
"People who live in areas affected and who are well, please check the internet forums, where thousands of people ask family and friends missing. Could help in the search, making lists and going to mass shelters to ask, registering and checking people are listed as missing in google ( ), or going to the addresses of houses that give people in their ads. An example of this: . Good initiative! If you could copy it would be amazing.
"It would be good idea that someone could program a system missing in google maps or google earth to find out to whom they can place around us.
"Another very simple option is to release its wifi and those who have no available phone can connect with their families.
This type of support is very important. Actually, there should be no worse than the uncertainty of not knowing if your loved ones are fine.