Friday, February 6, 2009

Best Sounding Portable Cd Player With Speakers

4th festival (December 7, 2008)

DAY 4)

To this day were planned decommissioning of the festival and all start as estimated.

very early and all directions came increasingly more and more young people were invited to participate in different activities referred to dwell on Sunday's Central Park of Guatemala City.

not miss the look biased and full of stigma of people passing by and were amazed, as hundreds of young people from taking quarters and neighborhoods Central Park, invading public space, doing exercise their right to free speech and generating and sharing living space with its own structures and rules.

past while making technical adjustments, patiently awaiting the start of the battles / Breakdance displays as expected and when all was ready we will start with words Welcome alluding to the days spent during this festival and the thanks to those in one way or another made it possible.

After finally kicked it battles with the most representative of the breakdance crew the national and the display of guest judges the Central American region.

16 crew were involved with 6 b-boys and crew, making a total of 96 direct participants in these battles that also opened the space for Display of 2 crew made up of B-girls (women), who demonstrated their skills in this discipline.

the evening concert was held close to the most important rap group in the region, who took the microphone to speak on behalf of a movement youth, telling stories of the neighborhoods from which to denounce the problems they face and to raise awareness about the reality through their music.

MC's took the floor and threw his poetry with complaints and criticisms of the political and economic system that strangles us and has cornered the youth with repressive policies and lack of real opportunities for human development and at the same time raised the morale of the movement with songs of victory that evoke the power of youth .

The audience could watch all day and not just the young people involved in Hip Hop, but completely unrelated to the people, even whole families watching caught passes and acrobatic jumps that make up the essence of this particular form of expression through dance and music, achieving this counteract the stigma is against the youth and the ability to visualize inclusion of this movement.

The festival came to an end amid hugs, congratulations and endless goodbyes. With the illusion of the second edition of the festival and beyond the borders again next year, and with the commitment to continue working to strengthen and expand the participation movement expression and education, today vital for American youth.


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