Friday, February 6, 2009

Rection To Eye Waxing

Day 3 of the festival (December 6, 2008)

DAY 3)
Today all start in the morning with two parallel activities on the one hand the production of graffiti and other Breakdance workshops.
For the production of graffiti artists from the day before had prepared the wall and sketch their pieces were beginning to work picking up the work of the last day. Gradually were covering the walls with layers and layers of paint, and with each stroke were closer to the final piece, the walls were discovered in the eyes of these young artists a new face, which reflects a different way interpret the world, an asymmetric universe does not comply, he wants to be different, one that invades with colors and shapes, transforming the gray walls of the cities where the lives gray gray pass, refusing to uniform. As evening was falling production graffiti took shape intervening visual space of the city and staying as tangible evidence of what happened during these days of meeting. the same day in the Metropolitan Cultural Centre opened the workshop was conducted with technical Breakdance: Power moves Top Rock Foot Work Pooping The workshop was given by colleagues from the brothers Central American countries and was attended by 150 young people who identify with this element of Hip Hop who from the beginning to the end of the workshop were participatory and enthusiastic about new techniques and experience that the instructors had to share. exchange and coexistence were the elements highlighted throughout the workshop, which was full of smiles, hugs and applause, supportive environment to create this space in the most experienced in the art passed on their knowledge to those who start this discipline that requires rigor and delivery by the trouble in the execution of body movements and physical skills that displays this form of expression. The workshop culminated in a giant circle in expressing a group dance that generated a strong sense of belonging can transcend borders not only geographical but also age, gender etc. Wrapping the participants in a single energy, as when a "tribe" in expressions such as dance cohesive strength to grow and survive.

For the afternoon of December 6 were provided two more workshops at the Cultural Center of Spain, these being the Graffiti and Rap. graffiti
The workshop began with a brief introduction to the basic principles of this form of expression. Then he departed from the smaller sample of graffiti which is the Tag or signature, was with what graffiti artists began to invade the streets and a hallmark of each of them.
then opened a space for the practice of personnel tag and participants using as example the name of some of those present, after that the theme was the bombing or PUMP LETTERS which are small pieces a little more complex, this is only two colors and is the basis for large parts, reason why the rest of the workshop will focus on practicing this type of design looking to the participants make their own proposals for bombing.
Rap For the workshop the participants brought their own texts to share with everyone and eager to learn new techniques for writing songs.
The working day began with a talk about the MC, as an element of Hip Hop and Rap Music as an expression of this culture, emphasizing the main features of each and the differences between each other, this gave Guideline to address also the issue of responsibility to be MC and have "the word", to be the spokesman of a generation with their problems and needs, with their searches and demands. After this we proceeded to make a series of practical exercises delve into the techniques of composition Rap, experimenting with some of the figures of speech, poetry and music that give life to this form of storytelling, reporting what is happening and express feelings and ideas of American youth today.

To end this day of work was done the night of DJ's in which some of the best exponents of this element showed his talent by mixing rhythms and music while all and everyone dancing, laughing forming a party celebrating life. Some MC's made small interventions Freestyle (improvisation), while other colleagues took the microphone to hear your Beatbox leave. One by one the DJ's were presented with the best of his music and mixing techniques and schratch, leading to the attendees and a world of multiple and complex sounds with powerful bass and ripping discs Vinyl unleashed a collective catharsis where harmony, brotherhood and coexistence were the rule.

Osama Bandi Photos


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