Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Two Swords On Porcelain

In Irish and Scottish mythology, is used to attribute the existence of certain features of the land to an earth goddess, Cailleach Bheur, which took the form of a giant witch.

Every night, after saving the herd, the Great Witch way to the top of Ben Cruachan to prevent the passage of spring with a large rock obstructing such that not to flood the plain at night. But one day he fell asleep on the way to the mountain on waking found that the spring waters flowed out of control in the form of a great flood coming down hard downhill. La Bruja attempt to plug the spring where the water went the rock, but such was the force that flowed could not do anything. In the end, defeated, he began to contemplate the flood plain, full of men and animals killed or drowned, and such was his grief that I just turned to stone. Floodplain became his turn in the Loch Awe of Agryll, west of Scotland.


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