oldest in the testimony, this contention is presented in very basic terms, as Yan Di "The Dread Emperor or Ruler Shining" was armed with fire, while the Yellow Emperor had water as a weapon, which of course just be imposed on fire. After this victory, established Huang Di order in the universe happened to embody the god of the Centre, the gods of the four cardinal points in his service. But there was to address a number of challenges to their power.
When Gu, a fierce dragon god body and human face, joined to another deity called Qin Pi to kill the god Bao Jiang, Huang Di had to intervene immediately sending emissaries to get rid of so treacherous conspirators. But after death, Qin Pi is transformed into a bearded tiger-footed, has since decided to take the dispute and violence where it was. Gu became a hideous owl with yellow and red legs that carried the drought and famine.
On another occasion, the lesser god dared to kill Jia Wei Yu, a divine serpent with a human face, but Huang did intervene to punish the guilty, who, once captured, was taken to the mountains of Shushu in the west, where he was bound a tree. On the other hand, Huang Di, who knew all about death and had the pill of immortality, Jia Yu takes to the mountains of Kunlun and returned to life. Unfortunately, Yu Jia was transformed once alive in a fearsome beast that was dedicated to wreak havoc among human mast Yi, the divine archer, just killing him again.
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